

順摄抑制 编辑

順摄抑制(proactive inhibition)是指先前学习到的資料對後來学习資料的记忆产生干扰的倾向。例如,換了新的電話號碼(後來的記憶),受舊的電話號碼(先前的記憶)干擾而記不起新號碼。

倒摄抑制 编辑

倒摄抑制(retroactive inhibition)、逆向干擾(retroactive interference)是指后来的学习对先前学习資料的记忆产生干扰的倾向。例如,临睡前学习内容的保持优于白天,因为所受的后继学习的干扰较少。

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參考文獻 编辑

  1. Sternberg, Robert J. (2006). Cognitive psychology fourth edition. Thomson Wadsworth, 219. ISBN 0534514219.
  2. Underwood, B.J. (1957). 'Interference and forgetting' in Psychological Review.
  3. Luchins, Abraham S. (1959) Primacy-recency in impression formation.
  4. Frensch, P. A. (1994). Composition during serial learning: a serial position effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 20, 2, 423-443.
  5. Healy, A. F., Havas, D. A., & Parker, J. T. (2000). Comparing serial position effects in semantic and episodic memory using reconstruction of order tasks. Journal of Memory and Language, 42, 147-167.
  6. Murray Glanzer and Anita R. Cunitz (1966) "Two storage mechanisms in Free Recall", Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour, 5, 351-360.
  7. 張春興(1995),《心理學概要》,台北市: 東華書局,14版. ISBN 957-636-024-2.

關連項目 编辑