
参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ Charity Fraud Pleads Guilty. The New York Times. April 20, 1918 [2023-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-14). 
  2. ^ McFadden, Robert D. Small-Change Donations Going to Vendors, Not Charities, Abrams Charges. The New York Times. November 13, 1992 [2023-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-14). 
  3. ^ Saltzman, Marc. ‘Hurricane Ian’: Here come the scams. (And how to avoid them). USA TODAY. [2022-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-05) (美国英语). 
  4. ^ Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) - Tips On Avoiding Fraudulent Charitable Contribution Schemes. [2023-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-23).