

历史 编辑

吐鲁番探险队,特别是第二次探险队,在塔克拉玛干沙漠周围的古北道上的一些遗址中,取得了许多重要的发现。他们发现了重要的文件和艺术品(包括一幅宏伟的摩尼教主教[mozhak]的壁画,以前被误认为是嘛呢[1]以及古霍邱(高昌)附近的景教(基督教)教堂遗迹,这是一座被毁坏的古城,由泥土建成,位于吐鲁番东部30公里(19英里)。 [2]

手稿 编辑

手稿包括粟特语摩尼教字母[3] [4]

艺术 编辑


画廊 编辑

参考 编辑


  1. ^ Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. MANICHEAN ART. iranicaonline.org. Columbia University. 2008 [5 January 2019]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-19). This fragmentary wall-painting portrays the local Manichean community including a high-ranking elect, who is most likely the "Mozhak of the East" (the head of the community in the region, previously mistakenly identified as Mani), together with rows of male elects, female elects, and laypeople. 
  2. ^ Hopkirk (1980), pp. 118, 122–123.
  3. ^ Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. Mediaeval Manichaean Book Art: A Codicological Study of Iranian And Turkic Illuminated Book Fragments from 8th-11th Century East Central Asia. "Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies" series 57. Leiden: Brill Publishers. 2005: 56,180 [2022-01-25]. ISBN 9789004139947. (原始内容存档于2021-11-23) (英语). 
  4. ^ Mani Sutra (PDF). National Library of China. 2011 [2020-05-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-07-02) (中文(简体)).