板油布丁(Suet pudding)是一種用水煮、或烤的布丁;英國人稱的「布丁」,是指「甜點」或「甜味菜餚」。成份有:麵粉板油(牛、羊或固態植物油),通常會加麵包屑、葡萄乾等果乾、糖漬水果和香料。



斑點布丁(spotted dick)、 聖誕布丁[1] 糖漿布丁(treacle pudding)、破衣布丁(clootie)、果醬布丁(jam roly-poly)等,族繁不及備載。鹹味的板油布丁有兔肉、雞肉、野禽口味,還有牛排腰子布丁。

索賽克斯池塘布丁(Sussex pond pudding)和 佩恩頓布丁(Paignton pudding)都是在地化的板油布丁變種。

歷史 编辑


板油布丁的歷史至少可以追溯至18世紀初期;1714年,瑪麗·凱特比( Mary Kettilby)著的《 A Collection of above Three Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Physick and Surgery 》紀載了一份「完美的聖誕布丁」食譜:『要用「一磅板油,削成小塊後過篩 」,加葡萄乾、麵粉、糖、蛋和少許鹽;「至少煮四小時」。』[2][3]

肉類菜餚演變成聖誕布丁。而板油布丁源自羅馬時代的濃湯(pottage),一種含肉和蔬菜的燉菜;添加了果乾、糖、香料的食材用大釜慢燉。15世紀的李子濃湯(Plum pottage)是一道有肉類、蔬菜和水果的前菜。[4]


文化 编辑

喬治·歐威爾在1947寫的的散文《這,這就是快樂》,描述了他悲慘的預備學校回憶:聖賽普利安預備學校(St Cyprian's School)把沒加糖又難以下嚥的板油布丁當前菜,「讓小孩吃少一點」以節省經費。[6]


「In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution, from horse racing to suet puddings.」

參見 编辑

參考文獻 编辑

  1. ^ Davis, Jean. Nuts, Puddings and Crackers: Coping with an English Christmas. The Contemporary Review (United Kingdom). December 1996, 269 (1571): 319 [April 18, 2013]. 
  2. ^ Lehmann, Gilly. The British Housewife. Totnes: Prospect Books. 2003: 83, 198–199. 
  3. ^ Kettilby, Mary. A Collection of above Three Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Physick and Surgery; For the Use of all Good Wives, Tender Mothers, and Careful Nurses. Richard Wilkin. 1714. 
  4. ^ Mason, Laura. The History of 'Plumb Porridge' at Christmas: The Ancient, and to the Modern palate bizarre recipe for a Traditional Christmas stew demonstrates how tastes have changed from the Middle Ages to the Modern Day. December 15, 2009 [April 18, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-19). 
  5. ^ Suet pudding. Merriam-Webster. 2013 [April 18, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-15). 
  6. ^ Orwell, George. Books v Cigarettes. London: Penguin Books. 2008: 90. ISBN 978-0-141-03661-8.