
約翰·巴特勒·葉芝(John Butler Yeats 1839年3月16日—1922年2月3日)是一名愛爾蘭藝術家,威廉·巴特勒·葉芝傑克·巴特勒·葉芝莉莉·葉芝伊麗莎白·葉芝之父,愛爾蘭國家藝廊藏有他繪製的多幅肖像畫。[1]

John Butler Yeats

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他出生於愛爾蘭邓恩郡勞倫斯鎮(Lawrencetown),曾就讀於都柏林三一學院希瑟利美术学院。1863年9月10日和蘇珊(Susan Pollexfen,1841年7月13日-1900年1月3日)在斯莱戈的聖約翰教堂結婚[2]。1907年他和女兒莉莉乘坐坎帕尼亞號(RMS Campania)到美國旅行,並在美國定居,此後餘生未曾回到愛爾蘭,1922年在美國逝世。[3]

參考文獻 编辑

  1. ^ Portrait of William Butler Yeats. National Gallery of Ireland online collection. [21 August 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-29). 
  2. ^ O'Donnell and Archibald (1999), p. 424
  3. ^ 1916-2008., Murphy, William M. (William Michael). Prodigal father : the life of John Butler Yeats (1839-1922). Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press. 2001. ISBN 0815607253. OCLC 47168769. 
  • Douglas N. Archibald (1974), John Butler Yeats Bucknell University Press-Irish Writers Series.
  • Martyn Anglesea (2003), Yeats, John Butler in Brian Lalor (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Ireland. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan. ISBN 0-7171-3000-2.
  • Bruce Arnold (1977), Irish Art, a concise history. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-20148-X
  • Robert Gordon (1978), John Butler Yeats and John Sloan the records of a friendship. The Dolmen Press New Yeats Papers XIV Dublin.
  • Declan J Foley (2009), editor, Letters of John Butler Yeats to his son Jack B. Yeats. Lilliput Press Dublin ISBN 978-1-84351-155-7.
  • Joseph Hone, editor (1944), J.B.Yeats Letters to his son W. B. Yeats and Others 1969-1922, Faber and Faber, 1 & 2 eds., republished Martin Secker and Waburg Ltd, (1983). Abridged and with an Introduction by John McGahern. (London): Faber, (1999).
  • Raymond Keaveney (2002), National Gallery of Ireland, Essential Guide. London: Scala. ISBN 1-85759-267-0.
  • Janis Londraville, editor, (2003) Prodigal Father Revisited: Artists and writers in the World of John Butler Yeats, Locust Hill Press, includes papers from first John Butler Yeats Seminar, Chestertown 2001.
  • William M. Murphy (1978), Prodigal Father: The Life of John Butler Yeats, 1839–1922, published by Cornell University Press. Paperback 1979, and reprinted in paperback with some new material in 2001 by Syracuse University Press.
  • William M. Murphy (1995), Family Secrets: William Butler Yeats and His Relatives Syracuse University Press, 1995.
  • William M. Murphy (1971), The Yeats Family and the Pollexfens of Sligo (Dublin:Dolmen).
  • William M. Murphy,; Fintan Cullen, eds.(1987), The Drawings of John Butler Yeats. (Albany, New York: Albany Institute of History and Art, and Union College, Departments of Art and English).
  • William M Murphy (1995), Family Secrets William Butler Yeats and His Relatives. Syracuse UP.
  • Robert Gordon (1978), John Butler Yeats and John Sloan: The Record of a Friendship. The Dolmen Press New Yeats Papers XIV Dublin.
  • Lennox Robinson, editor (1920), Further Letters of John Butler Yeats: Selected by Lennox Robinson, The Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.
  • Yeats John Butler (1918),Essays Irish and American, (with an appreciation by AE) Talbot Press Dublin/T Fisher Unwin London. Early Memories: Some Chapters of Autobiography (1923) The Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum County Dublin.
  • Passages From The Letters of John Butler Yeats: Selected by Ezra Pound (1917). The Cuala Press Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin
  • James White (1972), John Butler Yeats and The Irish Renaissance with pictures from the collection of Michael Butler Yeats and from The National Gallery of Ireland. The Dolmen Press Dublin.

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