





歷史 编辑


胭脂樹紅被認為起源於巴西,當地人稱“urucum”。[2]最初可能並不是用來做食物添加劑的,而是用在人體彩繪、治療胃灼熱和胃痛、驅逐昆蟲以及抵擋魔鬼上。[3][4][5]加勒比南美洲原住民文化中有長期使用胭脂樹及其果實的歷史,阿茲特克人稱胭脂樹紅為 “achiotl”,16世紀見於墨西哥人的手稿畫。[6]


食物染色 编辑







健康 编辑



過敏反應 编辑

食用胭脂樹紅對大多數人來說都是沒有危險的,但是極少數人會對其產生過敏反應。[19][20]曾有幾起對胭脂樹紅的過敏記錄,但是它並不是所謂的“八大過敏原”(牛奶、蛋、花生、堅果、魚、貝類、大豆、麥)之一。[21]美國食品藥品監督管理局內布拉斯加大學食物過敏研究及資源項目(Food Allergy Research and Resource Program)的專家不認為它應當算是一種主要過敏原。[22]


參考資料 编辑

  1. ^ Smith, James. Annatto Extracts (PDF). Chemical and Technical Assessment. JECFA. 2006 [3 Feb 2012]. [永久失效連結]
  2. ^ Bija - Achiote. Indio.net. [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2011年7月24日). 
  3. ^ Jamaican Annatto. GetJamaica.com. [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2011年7月11日). 
  4. ^ Smith, Nigel J.H. Geography of Crop Plants (PDF). Geo 3315, Lecture Notes: Part 2. Department of Geography, University of Florida. 2005. (原始内容 (pdf)存档于2007-09-22). 
  5. ^ Lovera, José Rafael. Food Culture in South America. Food Culture Around the World. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2005: 51 [2011-08-24]. ISBN 0-313-32752-1. 
  6. ^ Colorants Used During Mexico's Early Colonial Period. Stanford University. 1997 [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2011年7月18日). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Spice Pages: Annatto. Gernot Katzer. February 19, 2012 [2012-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-11). 
  8. ^ Common Spices in Modern Philippine Recipes. PhilippinesInsider.com. [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2011年7月15日). 
  9. ^ 'British Cheese Board'. BritishCheese.com. [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2011年7月26日). 
  10. ^ Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations part 73. U.S. Government Printing Office. [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2009年5月9日). 
  11. ^ CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21. U.S. FDA. 2011-04-01 [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-29). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Executive Summary Bixin. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. National Institutes of Health. Nov 1997 [2011-08-24]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011年7月21日). 
  13. ^ Barrie, Tan; Mueller, Anne. Vitamin E Component Dramatically More Effective at Supporting Heart Health. Annatto Tocotrienols: The Antioxidant Vitamin E Supports Heart Health. Vitamin Research Products. 2011. (原始内容存档于2011-09-29). 
  14. ^ Miyazawa, Teruo; Nakagawa, Kiyotaka; Sookwong, Phumon. Health benefits of vitamin E in grains, cereals and green vegetables. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2011, 22 (12): 651. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2011.07.004. 
  15. ^ Health benefits of Achiote (Bixa orellana). Herbcyclopedia. [14 Dec 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-24). 
  16. ^ Raga, Dennis D.; Espiritu, Rafael A.; Shen, Chien-Chang; Ragasa, Consolacion Y. A bioactive sesquiterpene from Bixa orellana. Journal of Natural Medicines. 2010, 65 (1): 206–11. PMID 20882359. doi:10.1007/s11418-010-0459-9. 
  17. ^ Galindo-Cuspinera, V; Westhoff, DC; Rankin, SA. Antimicrobial properties of commercial annatto extracts against selected pathogenic, lactic acid, and spoilage microorganisms. Journal of food protection. 2003, 66 (6): 1074–8. PMID 12801012. 
  18. ^ Galindo-Cuspinera, Veronica; Rankin, Scott A. Bioautography and Chemical Characterization of Antimicrobial Compound(s) in Commercial Water-Soluble Annatto Extracts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2005, 53 (7): 2524–9. PMID 15796589. doi:10.1021/jf048056q. 
  19. ^ ANNATTO: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings. WebMD. 1999-07-30 [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-24). 
  20. ^ Magee, Elaine. What’s Up With Food Dyes?. Healthy Recipe Doctor. WebMD. 2010-07-09 [2011-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-03). 
  21. ^ Myles, Ian A.; Beakes, Douglas. An Allergy to Goldfish? Highlighting Labeling Laws for Food Additives. World Allergy Organization Journal. 2009, 2 (12): 314–316. PMC 2805955 . PMID 20076772. doi:10.1097/WOX.0b013e3181c5be33. 
  22. ^ AllergenOnline Database. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [3 Feb 2012]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-24). 
  23. ^ Mikkelsen, H; Larsen, JC; Tarding, F. Hypersensitivity reactions to food colours with special reference to the natural colour annatto extract (butter colour). Archives of Toxicology. Supplement. Archives of Toxicology. 1978, 1 (1): 141–3. ISBN 978-3-540-08646-8. PMID 150265. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-66896-8_16. 

擴展閱讀 编辑

此文包含已处于公有领域的1911年版《The Grocer's Encyclopedia》中的文字。
  • Allsop, Michael; Heal, Carolyn. Cooking With Spices. Vermont, USA: David & Charles. 1983. 
  • Lauro, Gabriel J.; Francis, F. Jack. Natural Food Colorants Science and Technology. IFT Basic Symposium Series. New York: Marcel Dekker. 2000. 
  • Lust, John. The Herb Book. New York: Bantam Books. 1984. 
  • Rosengarten Jr., F. The Book of Spices. Pennsylvania, USA: Livingston Publishing Co. 1969. 

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