电路输入阻抗(英語:input impedance)是指电路从输入功率源方向“看进”电路时所等效的阻抗。如果功率源提供了已知的电压和电流,这阻抗可以通过欧姆定律求得。输入阻抗是电路的戴维寧等效,其模型是一个RL(电阻-电感)或RC(电阻-电容)组合,得到的等效电路能与原电路对外产生相同的响应效果。


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  • The Art of Electronics, Winfield Hill, Paul Horowitz, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-37095-7
  • "Aortic input impedance in normal man: relationship to pressure wave forms", JP Murgo, N Westerhof, JP Giolma, SA Altobelli pdf页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • An excellent introduction to the importance of impedance and impedance matching can be found in A practical introduction to electronic circuits, M H Jones, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-31312-0