

Web无障碍致力使網頁更易瀏覽與閱讀。雖然這主要旨在幫助身心障礙者,但亦能可以幫助所有讀者。我們旨在遵循WCAG標準2.0(即ISO/IEC 40500:2012),並以此提出以下建議。遵守這些內容會使條目更易閱讀與編輯。


條目結構 编辑

規範條目結構可讓用戶從頁面特定部分獲得期望內容,增加親和力;如果有盲人在搜索消歧義連結,沒有從頁面頂部搜索到任何內容,就可知道此處什麼也沒有,不必費時繼續閱讀下去。 期望內容是在頁面的特定部分。


章節標題 编辑



請不要使用加粗或分號語法的偽章節標題。螢幕閱讀器等機器只能使用正確格式的章節標題。如欲縮減目錄長度,請使用{{TOC limit}}。

正確 隨機/亂序 跳級 偽章節標題

==章節== [二級標題]
===子章節=== [三級]
==章節== [二級]
===子章節=== [三級]
====子章節的子章節==== [四級]
==章節== [二級]

====章節?==== [四級]
===章節?=== [三級]
==章節?== [二級]
==章節?== [二級]
====章節?==== [四級]
===章節?=== [二級]

===章節?=== [三級]
==章節== [二級]
====子章节?==== [四級]
==章節== [二級]

==章節== [二級]
===子章節=== [三級]
'''子章節''' [偽章節標題]
==章節== [二級]
===子章節=== [三級]
;子子章節 [偽章節標題]
==章節== [二級]
==<small>子章節</small>== [偽三級標題]

請勿濫用行首半形分號和粗體來「偽裝」標題,行首半形分號是定義列表專用。讀屏器和其他輔助工具僅能使用有章節標記(半形等號)的標題來導航定位。如欲縮小目錄,請用{{TOC limit}}。在{{TOC limit}}因為條目其他地方有低層級標題而無用的情況,才可妥協用粗體,但要先將子子子標題用粗體取代,因為這對讀屏器使用者構成的滋擾最少。必先窮盡其他解決方案,才可以使用偽標題。此為罕見情況。

可接受 錯誤

==章節== [二級]
===子章節=== [三級]
==章節== [二級]
===子章節=== [三級]
====子子章節==== [四級]

==章節== [二級]
===子章節=== [三級]
==章節== [二級]
===子章節=== [三級]
<small>==子子章節==</small> [2]

浮動元素 编辑


解析度 编辑


文字 编辑

刪除線 编辑



符號 编辑


  1. 在名稱、地點、事物等原文相當重要的地方,如果原文使用的既非漢字也不是拉丁書寫系統文字,則請始終給出转写,即羅馬化。此功能在表示非罗马字语言的模板中可用,也可以在诸如{{transl}}}等模板中找到;这些模板还具有可访问性等其它优点(请参阅下文的“外语”章节)。
  2. 請勿使用♥(心形符號)等無法發音的符號;請以注有替代文本(|alt=)的圖像(如 )代之[1]
  3. 對於在螢幕閱讀器上產生問題的符號,可能已經有了生成圖像和替代文字的模板。比如{{}}。(有关更多信息,请参见Category:圖像插入模板

字符序列必须足以传达文本的语义方面(最好是其他类似形式的内容); 不可使用只能使用CSS属性或Wiki标记语言区分的自定义“特殊符号”。



字体大小 编辑



外語 编辑

非中文單詞或短語應以使用ISO 639語言代碼的{{lang}}包圍,比如:{{lang|fr|Assemblée nationale}},会显示为:

Assemblée nationale

{{lang-fr|Assemblée nationale}},会显示为:

法語:Assemblée nationale


連結 编辑

  1. 建立好的連結描述,外部連結尤甚。(避免「點此英语Mystery meat navigation!」「見此處」)[3][4]
  2. 不要用Unicode字元當圖符;以使用替代文字描述的圖符檔案代之。比如「→」等字元可能無法在螢幕閱讀器上重現為有效文字,讀者看到的可能是問號。

顏色 编辑




  • 确保颜色并非唯一传达重要信息的方式。特别的,请不要使用上色文字或背景,除非其状态还用指示另一事物,比如亲和性符号对应图例,或脚注标签。另外失明用户或读者通过打印物或非彩色装置或获得维基百科时,将无法获得此类信息。
  • 对于我们的读者,链接应该如链接一样清晰可识别。
  • 维基百科有读者为部分或全色盲。确保文字和背景的对比达到WCAG 2.0的AA等级,如可能则达到AAA等级。可以选择这些工具检查对比度是否正确:
    • 色彩对比分析器使您能够挑选在页面上的颜色,并充分检查其对比度。但请务必只使用最新的“亮度”算法,而非过时的“色彩亮度/差”。
    • 你还可以选择完全更新的斯努克的色彩对比工具
    • The Wikimedia Foundation Design team has provided a color palette with colors being marked towards level AA conformance. It is used for all user-interface elements across products and in the main Wikimedia themes, desktop and mobile. However, it does not consider linked text.
    • The table at Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Accessibility/Colors shows the results for 14 hues of finding the darkest or lightest backgrounds that are AAA-compliant against black text, white text, linked text and visited linked text.
    • Google's Chrome Canary has a color contrast debugger with visual guide and color-picker.
    • 网上还有其它工具,但请在使用前检查它们是否更新。一些工具以WCAG 1.0算法为基础,而我们应该参考现今的WCAG 2.0算法。如果工具没有提到其基于WCAG 2.0,则假设它过时。
    • {{Color contrast ratio}}
  • 此外还有工具可以协助制作图形图表,或是地图等的配色方案。这些工具对于对比度亲和力检查并不严格,但其可以在特定任务上有帮助作用。
    • 配色方案生成器(Paletton)可以协助在图表中选择好的颜色搭配。
    • 色彩酿造师2.0提供了地图的安全配色方案和详细讲解。
    • Light qualitative colour scheme provides a set of 9 colours that work for color blind users and with black text labels (among other palettes).
    • There are some tools for simulating color-blind vision: toptal (webpage analysis) and coblis (local file analysis). There are also browser extensions for webpage analysis: Colorblinding (Chrome) NoCoffee (Chrome) NoCoffee (Firefox)
    • A very simple open-source tool that can be helpful for choosing contrasting colours is Color Oracle, a "free color blindness simulator for Windows, Mac and Linux". It lets you view whatever is on your screen as it would be seen by someone with one of three types of colourblindness or in greyscale.
  • 如果条目过度使用颜色,但你不知道如何亲自修复,则可请其他编辑协助。请将{{Overcolored}}放置于条目顶部。

块元素 编辑

列表 编辑



例如,在討論區,請遵循以下 Y最佳做法:

* 支持。我喜歡此想法。—User:Example 
** 疑問:你為何喜歡?—User:Example2
*** 似乎合乎維基百科的精神。—User:Example


: 支持。我喜歡此想法。—User:Example 
:: 疑問:你為何喜歡?—User:Example2
::: 似乎合乎維基百科的精神。—User:Example


* 支持。我喜歡此想法。—User:Example 
*: 疑問:你為何喜歡?—User:Example2
*:: 似乎合乎維基百科的精神。—User:Example


* 支持。我喜歡此想法。—User:Example 
:: 疑問:你為何喜歡?—User:Example2


* 支持。我喜歡此想法。—User:Example 
:* 疑問:你為何喜歡?—User:Example2


* 支持。我喜歡此想法。—User:Example 

** 疑問:你為何喜歡?—User:Example2

以及 N請勿越級:

* 支持。我喜歡此想法。—User:Example 
*** 疑問:你為何喜歡?—User:Example2

以下做法 N不鼓勵:

: 支持。我喜歡此想法。—User:Example 
:* 疑問:你為何喜歡?—User:Example2


Multiple paragraphs within list items 编辑

Normal MediaWiki list markup is unfortunately incompatible with normal MediaWiki paragraph markup. To put multiple paragraphs in a list item,  Y separate them with {{pb}}:

* This is one item.{{pb}}This is another paragraph within this item.
* This is another item.

Do not  N use line breaks to simulate paragraphs, because they have different semantics:

* This is one item.<br>This is the same paragraph, with a line break before it.
* This is another item.

Definitely do not  N attempt to use a colon to match the indentation level, since (as mentioned above) it produces three separate lists:

* This is one item.
: This is an entirely separate list.
* This is a third list.

Alternatively, you can  Y use one of the HTML list templates to guarantee grouping. This is most useful for including block elements, such as formatted code, in lists:

{{bulleted list |1=This is one item: <pre> This is some code. </pre> This is still the same item. |2=This is a second item. }}

缩进 编辑

An accessible approach to indentation is the template {{block indent}} for multi-line content; it uses CSS to indent the material. For single lines, a variety of templates exist, including {{in5}} (a universal template, with the same name on all Wikimedia sites); these indent with various whitespace characters. Do not abuse the <blockquote>...</blockquote> element or templates that use it (such as {{Quote}}) for visual indentation; they are only for directly quoted material.


A colon (:) at the start of a line marks that line in the MediaWiki parser as the <dd>...</dd> part of an HTML description list (<dl>...</dl>).[a] The visual effect in most Web browsers is to indent the line. This is used, for example, to indicate replies in a threaded discussion on talk pages. However, this markup alone is missing the required <dt> (term) element of a description list, to which the <dd> (description/definition) pertains. As can be seen by inspecting the code sent to the browser, this results in broken HTML (i.e. it fails validation[5]). The result is that assistive technology, such as screen readers, will announce a description list that does not exist, which is confusing for any visitor unused to Wikipedia's broken markup. This is not ideal for accessibility, semantics, or reuse, but is currently commonly used, despite the problems it causes for users of screen readers.

Blank lines must not be placed between colon-indented lines of text – especially in article content. This is interpreted by the software as marking the end of a list and the start of a new one. If a blank line is needed, place the same number of colons on it as those preceding the text below the blank line, for instance:

: Text here.
: More text.

Another solution is new-paragraph markup, but it must be in one unbroken line in the wiki code:

Text here.<p>More text.</p>

For more information on the weaknesses of colon-based description list markup – even for actual description listssee WP:Manual of Style/Glossaries/DD bug test cases.

垂直列表 编辑

无序垂直列表 编辑


* 白玫瑰
* 黄玫瑰

* 粉红玫瑰

* 红玫瑰


  • 白玫瑰
  • 黄玫瑰
  • 粉红玫瑰
  • 红玫瑰



无项目符号垂直列表 编辑

对于页面中纵向列出的无项目符号列表,可使用模板{{plainlist}}和{{unbulleted list}}来提高亲和性语义意义,表明这是清晰的列表,而非通过不应使用的<br />换行。


| listclass = plainlist
| bodyclass = plainlist


| rowclass = plainlist or
| bodyclass = plainlist


水平列表 编辑



| listclass = hlist
| bodyclass = hlist


| rowclass = hlist
| bodyclass = hlist


List headings 编辑

Improper use of a semicolon to bold a "fake heading" before a list (figure 1) creates a list gap, and worse. The semicolon line is a one-item description list, with no description content, followed by a second list. Instead, use heading markup (figure 2).

 N 1. Incorrect
; Noble gases
* Helium
* Neon
* Argon
* Krypton
* Xenon
* Radon
 Y 2. Heading
== Noble gases ==
* Helium
* Neon
* Argon
* Krypton
* Xenon
* Radon

表格 编辑




通过在相邻单元格中嵌入成组的HTML<br /><hr>标签,可以在视觉上创建多行信息框,不过该技术并不适合HTML表格结构。屏幕阅读器用户是以单元格和HTML行为单位阅读,而非以视觉上的行阅读,因此这对它们会产生问题。英文维基的信息框亲和度项目(WikiProject Accessibility/Infobox accessibility)就是为此而生。

数据表格 编辑

|+ [标题文字]
! scope="col" | [列标题1]
! scope="col" | [列标题2]
! scope="col" | [列标题3]
! scope="row" | [列标题1]
| [常规单元格1,2] || [常规单元格1,3]
! scope="row" | [列标题2]
| [常规单元格2,2] || [常规单元格2,3]
行、列标题( !
标题的范围( ! scope="col" | and ! scope="row" |


  1. 正确的表格标题
  2. 正确的标题结构
  3. 图像和颜色
  4. 避免嵌套表格

排版表格 编辑

请避免使用表格做纯排版用途。Data tables provide extra information and navigation methods that can be confusing when the content lacks logical row and column relationships. 最佳的选择是使用更有适应性的HTML<div>块和样式(style)属性。

When using a table to position non-tabular content, help screen readers identify it as a layout table, not a data table. Set a role="presentation" attribute on the table, and do not set any summary attribute. Do not use any <caption> or <th> elements inside the table, or inside any nested tables. In wiki table markup, this means do not use the |+ or ! prefixes. Make sure the content's reading order is correct. Visual effects, such as centering or bold typeface, can be achieved with style sheets or semantic elements. For example:

{| role="presentation" class="toccolors" style="width:94%"
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ccf;" | <strong>Important text</strong>
| The quick || brown fox
| jumps over || the lazy dog.

圖像 编辑

  1. 所有非装饰的图像都要有替代文字。替代文字是给盲人读者、搜索蜘蛛和其他非视觉用户的代替品。加入的替代文字应该简洁,或者应该提到图像题注或相邻文字:见WP:ALT获取更多信息。
  2. 多数情况下,无论是使用内置的图像语法,还是一行附属文字,图像都应该带有题注。题注应该简洁描述图像意义,即其试图传达的必要信息。
  3. 避免用图片替代数据图表。若可能,任何图表都应该有替代文字或充分描述,使无法查看图像的用户可以明白一些内容。
  4. Avoid sandwiching text between two images or, unless absolutely necessary, using fixed image sizes.
  5. Avoid indiscriminate gallery sections because screen size and browser formatting may affect accessibility for some readers due to fragmented image display.
  6. 不要使用左图或右图的描述。对于维基百科移动版而言,图像的排列是不同的,而这对于使用辅助软件的读者也没有意义。相反,请使用题注来指明图像。
  7. 如有不适合条目的详细图像说明,则应将其置于图像描述页,并留下文字注明,点开图像链接可以获得更详细描述。
  8. 图像应置于其所属章节内(在章节标题和引导至其他条目的链接之后),不应放在标题里面或上一章节末尾,否则屏幕阅读器会在其它章节显示图像(和替代文字);移动版站点也同样如此显示。见Wikipedia:图像指南获得更多信息。
  9. 该指引包括<math>模式下LaTeX格式公式的替代文字。
  10. Do not put images in headings; this includes icons and <math> markup. Doing so can break links to sections and cause other problems.

动画、视频与音频 编辑

动画 编辑


  • 持续时间不超过5秒(否则会变成纯装饰元素)[10],或者
  • 有控制模块(停止、暂停、播放)[11]

总而言之,大多数动画GIF应当能转换为视频。(转换方法可见指南将动画GIF转换为Theora OGG

In addition, animations Template:Strong-em produce more than three flashes in any one-second period. Content that flashes more than that limit is known to cause seizures.[12]

视频 编辑

视频可以加入计时文本格式的字幕。commons:Commons:Video#Subtitles and closed captioning有相应的帮助页面。字幕为语音的转录。

对于听力障碍者可以加入隱藏字幕。在2012年11月之前这很难做到,但通过bugzilla:41694的请求,现在可以简单的加入此特性。隱藏字幕以文字形式提供了关于声音的全部重要信息。其可以包含在对话、声音(自然或人声)、环境与背景、人与动物的动作表情,以及文本或图形[13]。关于如何创建隱藏字幕,请参阅:A quick and basic reference for closed captionsa detailed reference (PDF)a list of best practices for closed captions

A text version of the video would also be needed for the blind, but as of November 2012 there is no convenient way to provide alt text for videos.

声音 编辑

可以很方便的为演讲、歌词和对话等加入字幕[14]。方法和视频相似:commons:Commons:Video#Subtitles and closed captioning

样式及标记选项 编辑

最佳慣例:使用維基標記和CSS語法 编辑

一般來說,表格與其他區塊元素的格式應該採用CSS類別,而不是內嵌式屬性。全站層級CSS的MediaWiki:Common.css經過最謹慎測試以增進對大多數瀏覽器的親和力(比如充足的顏色對比)和相容性。此外,透過個人樣式表(Special:MyPage/skin.css,或瀏覽器設定)用戶可以自訂配色方案以滿足特定需求。舉例來說,en: Wikipedia:Style sheets for visually impaired users 提供了視障用戶適用的高背景色對比導航模板。不過這會蓋過既定的全站CSS,使得個人選擇自己的主題會變得比較困難。



一般來講,文章應優先於使用Wiki標記來替代HTML元素。尤其是,不要使用物理HTML標籤<i>...</i><b>...</b>來單純格式粗體、斜體文字,請使用Wiki標記''''',或是語意HTML(Semantic HTML)英语Semantic_HTML<font>標籤也應該要盡量避免在文章中使用;使用邏輯模板(例如{{em}}、{{strong}}或{{code}})來強調與其它文字的不同之處。使用及{{small}}及{{big}}模板來改變文字大小,而非以font-size=方式或是已過時的<small>來設定樣式。Of course there are natural exceptions; e.g., it may be beneficial to use the <u>...</u> element to indicate something like an example link that isn't really clickable, but underlining is otherwise generally not used in article text.

CSS與JavaScript支持不足的读者 编辑

Auto-collapsed (pre-collapsed) elements should not be used to hide content in the article's main body, though elements such as tables can be made collapsible at the reader's option.



In 2016 around 7% of visitors to Wikipedia did not request JavaScript resources.[15]

参见 编辑

注释 编辑

  1. ^ HTML description lists were formerly called definition lists and association lists. The <dl><dt>...</dt><dd>...</dd></dl> structure is the same; only the terminology has changed between HTML specification versions.

参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ F26: Failure of Success Criterion 1.3.3 due to using a graphical symbol alone to convey information. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  2. ^ H58: Using language attributes to identify changes in the human language, Techniques for WCAG 2.0, W3C, accessibility level: AA.
  3. ^ G91: Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  4. ^ F84: Failure of Success Criterion 2.4.9 due to using a non-specific link such as "click here" or "more" without a mechanism to change the link text to specific text. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  5. ^ Markup Validation Service: Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, …) of Web documents. validator.w3.org. v1.3+hg. World Wide Web Consortium. 2017 [December 13, 2017].  The validator failure reported is "Error: Element dl is missing a required child element."
  6. ^ H39: Using caption elements to associate data table captions with data tables, A accessibility level.
  7. ^ H51: Using table markup to present tabular information. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  8. ^ Table cells: The TH and TD elements. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  9. ^ H63: Using the scope attribute to associate header cells and data cells in data tables. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  10. ^ Setting animated gif images to stop blinking after n cycles (within 5 seconds). Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  11. ^ Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was paused. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  12. ^ Guideline 2.3 Seizures: Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures.. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 11 December 2008 [28 May 2015]. 
  13. ^ Providing an alternative for time based media. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  14. ^ Providing an alternative for time-based media for audio-only content. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. W3C. [2011-01-01]. 
  15. ^ File:Browsers, Geography, and JavaScript Support on Wikipedia Portal.pdf and File:Analysis of Wikipedia Portal Traffic and JavaScript Support.pdf.

外部链接 编辑