計算複雜度理論內,PP是一個複雜度類,包含可以在多項式時間裡面以概率圖靈機解決,無論輸入如何錯誤率均小於1/2的決定型問題PP這個縮寫即代表了概率多項式時間(probabilistic polynomial time)。這個複雜度類是由Gill於1977年定義[1]

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註釋 编辑

  1. ^ J. Gill, "Computational complexity of probabilistic Turing machines." SIAM Journal on Computing, 6 (4), pp. 675–695, 1977.

參考資料 编辑

  • Papadimitriou, C. chapter 11. Computational Complexity. Addison-Wesley. 1994. .
  • Allender, E. A note on uniform circuit lower bounds for the counting hierarchy. Proceedings 2nd International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1090. Springer-Verlag. 1996: 127–135. .
  • Burtschick, Hans-Jörg; Vollmer, Heribert. Lindström Quantifiers and Leaf Language Definability. 1999. Template:ECCC. .

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