有关中英对照:husk、hull、chaff 编辑

英文此三词的意思相当多元而分歧,在对应中文专有名词时,也容易混用, 此处认为:中文条目【颖壳】应关联到英文条目【husk/hull】,而非【chaff】 而且应为“caryoptic husk”,但无此英文条目。

颖壳的英文对应词汇为 husk ,参考如下:

1. 原文網址:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaff

Grain chaff 下句子: In grasses (including cereals such as rice, barley, oats, and wheat), the ripe seed is surrounded by thin, dry, scaly bracts (called glumes, lemmas and paleas), forming a dry【husk】(or hull) around the grain. Once it is removed it is often referred to as 【chaff】.

2. 聯合國網址:http://www.fao.org/3/t0567e/T0567E07.htm

FIGURE 2 Longitudinal section of rice grain (http://www.fao.org/3/t0567e/T0567E01.GIF)

3. Rice Chemistry and Technology 教科書內章節, rice grain 結構及組分圖片:


上列舉例三理由, 按照原始定義,及圖片解說,【穎殼】實為【husk】,而非【chaff】!



表2顯示: 禾本科(穎殼) Poaceae (husk/inflorescence)

--yyfroy 2021年2月3日 (三) 00:52 (UTC)
