Template:Infobox artery

文档图示 模板文档[查看] [编辑] [历史] [清除缓存]

{{Infobox artery}} displays a right-side infobox showing information about arteries of the body, allowing a clickable map and two images to be displayed at the top of the box.

用法 编辑

The following blank template is suitable for copying into new instances.

{{Infobox artery
| Name        = 
| Latin       = 
| Image       = 
| Width       = 
| Caption     = 
| Image2      = 
| Width2      = 
| Caption2    = 
| BranchFrom  = 
| BranchTo    = 
| Vein        = 
| Precursor   = 
| Supplies    = 

基本参数 编辑

This infobox is one in a series of anatomy infoboxes, all of which share common parameters. These include:

Name = English name for structure
Pronunciation = Pronunciation of name, if term is not commonly used
Image = top image (omit "Image:")
Width = width of top image (in pixels, default=250)
Caption = caption under top image
Image2 = second top image (omit "Image:")
Width2 = width of second image (in pixels, default=250)
Caption2 = caption under second top image
System = Relevant body system (e.g., 循环系统)
Latin = Latin name for structure
Greek = Greek name for structure, if relevant to anatomy / medical use
Acronym = Acronym, if in common use
TA, TH, TE, MeSH, FMA, NeuroLex, NeuroNames These fields are automatically filled from 维基数据, and edits can no longer be made through infoboxes.
Link All templates in this series provide a link to the relevant en:Anatomical terminology articles - eg en:Anatomical terms of bone for Template:Infobox bone, etc.

独有参数 编辑

Unique parameters to this infobox include:

BranchFrom = such as "右心室"
BranchTo = any text
Vein = such as "肺静脉"
Precursor = such as "truncus arteriosus"
Supplies = any text

Most parameters here start with a capital letter.

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