
费斯图斯·克劳迪乌斯·“克劳德”·麦凯 OJ(Festus Claudius "Claude" McKay,1890年9月15日—1948年5月22日)是一名牙买加裔美国作家、诗人,哈莱姆文艺复兴重要人物。他出生于牙买加,在美国读书并在1914年移民纽约市,1919年写下成名作《如果我们必须死》(If We Must Die)。

Claude McKay
出生Festus Claudius McKay
獎項Harmon Gold Award

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参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ James, Winston. Becoming the People's Poet: Claude McKay's Jamaican Years, 1889–1912. Small Axe. April 18, 2003, 7 (1): 17–45 [2022-01-17]. ISSN 1534-6714. S2CID 201775746. doi:10.1353/smx.2003.0009. (原始内容存档于2022-01-20). 
  2. ^ Tillery, Tyrone. Claude McKay, A Black Poet's Struggle for Identity. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. 1992: 4, 5, 6, 9. ISBN 0870237624. 
  3. ^ Tillery, Tyrone. Claude Mckay : A Black Poet's Struggle for Identity. University of Massachusetts Press, 1992.

扩展阅读 编辑

  • Cooper, Wayne F. (1987). Claude McKay: Rebel Sojourner in the Harlem Renaissance. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
  • Gosciak, Josh (2006). The Shadowed Country: Claude McKay and the Romance of the Victorians. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
  • James, Winston (2001). A Fierce Hatred of Injustice: Claude McKay's Jamaica and His Poetry of Rebellion. London: Verso. ISBN 978-1859847404.
  • Müller, Timo (2013). "Postcolonial Pursuits in African American Studies: The Later Poems of Claude McKay." Postcolonial Studies Across the Disciplines页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 131–49.
  • Tillery, Tyrone (1992). Claude McKay: A Black Poet's Struggle for Identity. University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 0870237624

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