
凱末爾·雷斯(英語:Kemal Reis,約1451年-1511年)是鄂圖曼帝國的一位私掠者海軍上將英语List of admirals in the Ottoman Empire。凱末爾·雷斯大約在1451年出生於爱琴海加里波利半島海岸[1],他的全名為艾哈邁德·凱末爾丁,其父親阿里是一名來自安納托利亞中部城市卡拉曼的土耳其人。除此之外,他還是鄂圖曼帝國著名海軍將領兼製圖師皮瑞·雷斯的叔叔,皮瑞·雷斯同陪凱末爾·雷斯參與了他絕大多數重要的海上探險[1]

服役年份约 1470年-1511年
军衔海軍上將英语List of admirals in the Ottoman Empire
莫東戰役英语Battle of Modon (1500)

註釋 编辑

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Bono, Salvatore: Corsari nel Mediterraneo (Corsairs in the Mediterranean), Oscar Storia Mondadori. Perugia, 1993.

參考來源 编辑

  • Frederic C. Lane, Venice, A Maritime Republic (Baltimore, 1973)
  • Paul Lunde, Piri Reis and the Columbus Map (1992)
  • E. Hamilton Currey, Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean, London, 1910
  • Bono, Salvatore: Corsari nel Mediterraneo (Corsairs in the Mediterranean), Oscar Storia Mondadori. Perugia, 1993.
  • Corsari nel Mediterraneo: Condottieri di ventura. Online database in Italian, based on Salvatore Bono's book.
  • Bradford, Ernle, The Sultan's Admiral: The life of Barbarossa, London, 1968.
  • Wolf, John B., The Barbary Coast: Algeria under the Turks, New York, 1979; ISBN 0-393-01205-0
  • The Ottomans: Comprehensive and detailed online chronology of Ottoman history in English.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Comprehensive and detailed online chronology of Ottoman history in Turkish. Archive.is存檔,存档日期2012-12-05
  • Turkish Navy official website: Historic heritage of the Turkish Navy (in Turkish)