昔军 (緬甸語စစ်ကွင်း, BGN/PCGN: sitkwin)是缅甸勃固省敏拉镇区下辖的一个小镇。

重要事件 编辑

1998年2月7日,贝特朗·皮卡尔一行乘坐他们的“百年灵轨道飞行器”热气球(Breitling Orbiter英语Breitling Orbiter)在此镇着陆。[1]


注释 编辑

  1. ^ The Burmese Army arrived first at the landing site, followed by the Breitling staff and the media. At the arrival, hundreds of Burmese ran when they saw this silver giant and offered assistance. The army helped by firing through the envelope in order to expedite the deflation. "Breitling-Orbiter: The log book: 07. 02. 98, Smooth landing !" archived copy from Internet Archive

外部链接 编辑

坐标17°53′38″N 95°43′26″E / 17.89389°N 95.72389°E / 17.89389; 95.72389