
特尔特里亚图章英语:Tărtăria tablets)是19世纪晚期在罗马尼亚特兰西瓦尼亚地区挖掘出土的古代标记,共三块,均为陶片。公元前5300年左右,(但根據碳十四探測的結果表明,溫查的文明历史最早可追溯到公元前5500年,與蘇美爾的早期埃利都文化同期)。有学者认为它们是古代的文字,並且發現到圖章上的文字與諸如米諾斯象形文字、或原始楔形文字等的遠古文字互有相似處,可能文化互有同源[1]。这些图章在1961年被重新发现,这一次是在距阿爾巴尤利亞30公里的考古发掘现场。


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參考文獻 编辑

  • Haarmann, H, Writing from Old Europe, The Journal of Indo-European Studies (17), 1990 
  • Jongbloed, Dominique, Civilisations antédiluviennes, Alphée ed, 2011 (法语) 
  • Makkay, J, The Late Neolithic Tordos Group of Signs, Alba Regia (10): 9–50, 1969 .
  • Makkay, J, Early Stamp Seals in South-East Europe, Budapest, 1984 .
  • Merlini, Marco; Lazarovici, Gheorghe. Settling discovery circumstances, dating and utilization of the Tărtăria tablets (PDF). Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis (Sibiu, Romania: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu). 2008, VII [2018-07-10]. ISSN 1583-1817. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-03-04). 
  • Paliga S., The tablets of Tǎrtǎria. An enigma ?页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) A reconsideration and further perspectives, Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, vol. 19, n°1, 1993. pp. 9-43; doi : 10.3406/dha.1993.2073
  • Winn, Sham MM, The Signs of the Vinca Culture, 1973 .
  • Winn, Sham MM, Pre-writing in Southeast Europe: The Sign System of the Vinca culture, BAR, 1981 .
  • Evans, A, Cretan pictographs and prae-Phoenician script. With an account of a sepulchral deposit at Hagios Onuphrios near Phaestos in its relation primitive Cretan and Aegean culture, G.P.Putnams sons: 166, 1895 .

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