禧在明爵士KCMG,CB(英語:Sir Walter Caine Hillier,1849年—1927年11月9日),英國外交官、漢學家。
生於香港,父親是奚禮爾。曾就讀於英國貝德福德學校(Bedford School)和布蘭德爾中學(Blundell's School)。畢業後,歷任漢文副使、代理漢務參贊、漢務參贊等職。1889年至1896年任英國駐朝鲜總領事。1904年至1908年任倫敦國王學院漢文教授。1908年至1910年,任清政府財政顧問。
编辑- 《語言自邇集》A Progressive Course Designed to Assist the Student of Colloquial Chinese as Spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan Department (1886), (與威妥瑪合著)
- 《華英文義津逮》The Chinese Language and How to Learn It: A Manual for Beginners (1907)
- One Thousand Useful Chinese Characters (1907)
- 《英漢北京方言詞典》An English-Chinese Dictionary of Peking Colloquial (1910)
- 《袖珍英漢北京方言詞典》English-Chinese Pocket Dictionary of Peking Colloquial (1910)
- Memorandum Upon an Alphabetical System for Writing Chinese: the Application of this System to the Typewriter and to the Linotype or other Typecasting and Composing Machines and its Application to the Braille System for the Blind (1927)
编辑- "Death of Sir Walter Hillier," The Times (UK). 11 November 1927, p. 18.
- "The Late Sir Walter Hillier," The Times. 17 November 1927, p. 16.