隐藏的面孔(英語:Hidden faces),一是指因空想性错视,在对特定物体的感知或辨识上,错视到的隐藏的面孔;二是指艺术家在刻意创作的带有双重含义的作品。


错视 编辑

在生活中有时能看到这样的“偶然图像”(chance images),大多是因空想性错视造成。

艺术创作 编辑




萨尔瓦多·达利深深着迷于阿尔钦博托的作品并深受其画风影响。他最著名的“隐藏的面孔”是《Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire》[2],画面中隐藏了伏尔泰半身像。


István Orosz尝试将扭曲立体投影图(anamorphosis)与“隐藏的面孔”结合。[3][4]


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文献参考 编辑

  • Calabrese, Omar (2006): Artists' Self-Portraits, ISBN 978-0-7892-0894-1 (The book has a chapter on artists who hide self portraits in their pictures: e.g. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, van Gogh, Munch, Dali, Albrecht Dürer, Velàzquez, Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, Ingres, Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec, Gainsborough, Matisse, James Ensor, Egon Schiele, Frida Kahlo, Man Ray, Henry Moore, Robert Rauschenberg, Norman Rockwell, and Roy Lichtenstein.)
  • Martin, Jean Hubert (ed., 2009): Une image peut en cacher une autre - Arcimboldo, Dali, Raetz (catalogue), ISBN 978-2-7118-5586-5 (France)

参考来源 编辑

  1. ^ John R; J. Don Read. Leonardo Da Vinci S Note-Books Arranged And Rendered Into English. Empire State Book Company. 1923.  .
  2. ^ Salvador Dalí: Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire. psyc.queensu.ca. (原始内容存档于2012-05-24). 
  3. ^ Anamorphosis with double meanings: landscape and portrait of Jules Verne in the mirror cylinder. gallery-diabolus.com. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27). 
  4. ^ Anamorphosis with double meanings: a theatre and portrait of William Shakespeare.(View from a narrow angle!). gallery-diabolus.com. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27). 

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