


條目名稱 编辑



重定向頁面 编辑


消歧義 编辑


童軍總會的階段或階級名稱可能會和其他總會的名稱相近,因此這些名稱必須以消歧義的方式加註國家名稱或總會名稱。舉例:冒險童軍英语Venture是一個消歧義頁面,列出了具有類似此名稱的童軍階段計畫,包含冒險童軍 (澳大利亞)英语Venturer Scouts (Australia)冒險童軍 (美國童軍)英语Venturing (Boy Scouts of America)。「童軍」這個重定向類別名稱,應當採用於具有顯著童軍主題的事物,例如詹姆斯·E·魏斯特 (童軍)英语James E. West (Scouting)

同等對待每個童軍總會 编辑


讀者 编辑

維基百科是為一般讀者所寫的,不是全方位童軍指南或操作手冊。雖然這樣寫可能會引起童軍成員的興趣,但不應該因此把他們當成主要讀者。舉例:許多讀者會將部分童軍總會所採用的「販賣部」英文「trading post」想像成一個在殖民地中成立的皮毛與貨物交易處,但實際上所指的不過是一個營地中的商店而已。

格式 编辑


格式指引 编辑


非國家層級條目 编辑



我們鼓勵將潛在的地方或非國家層級條目進行重定向,這能夠提醒編輯者,這樣的內容可以在其高層次的條目中進行簡要添加,這類重定應須採用相應的模板;例如大匹茲堡童軍會英语Greater Pittsburgh Council應重定向到賓夕法尼亞州的童軍活動英语Scouting in Pennsylvania。上述重定向應採用{{r with possibilities}}標籤,提醒編輯者此重定向未來可能會有潛力創建一個完整的條目。

資訊與導覽元件 编辑

Infoboxes are used to provide a consistent summary of the subject; navboxes help readers browse through related articles. The main infobox is {{Infobox WorldScouting}} and is used for organizations, events, awards and camps; a number of other specialized templates are available for use at Wikipedia:WikiProject Scouting/Templates. Non-free images used in infoboxes should be directly related to the subject; the use of generic logos is not recommended and usually constitutes a purely decorative use.

Navigation templates specific to Scouting can be found at Wikipedia:WikiProject Scouting/Templates. Non-free images should not be used in navboxes—this is considered a decorative use.

條目佈局 编辑

The following suggested layouts are intended to help structure a new article or when an existing article requires a substantial rewrite. Changing an established article simply to fit these guidelines should be discussed to gain consensus. The given order of sections is also encouraged but may be varied, particularly if that helps an article progressively develop concepts and avoid repetition. Suggested sections not applicable to the subject should not be included. Articles in a series should use a consistent layout. See also and External links sections should be avoided when possible by using wikilinks and references in the body of the article.

內容 编辑

瑣碎內容 编辑


過度描述細節的內容 编辑


  • Recipents, staff, alumni or other persons unless they really meet notability standards.
  • Detailed information presented in other articles; include a short synopsis with a wikilink to the proper article.
  • Non-notable details. Example: Do not include the number of fridges in the kitchen, construction of latrines and the like.
  • Individual campsite details within a larger camp; a short, common description is preferred.
  • Lyrics to camp specific songs or prayers not used at a national or regional level; see Wilderness Grace for a number of variations on this prayer.

規定與要求 编辑

Articles may include the requirements for an award or advancement but should not include verbatim copies of these requirements. Most requirement lists use second person tone, use jargon and usually include prerequisites or other requirements that are defined elsewhere. Requirements need to be summarized and prosified. The article should include only general details on how the requirements may be met, but there should be proper references to a site or document that does give details. Historical requirements should be in a separate section from the current requirements.

參見與外部連結 编辑

Links included in the See also and External links sections should be integrated into the body of the article whenever possible and used as references. Links that are already used in the body of the article or in an infobox should not be replicated in these sections.

These sections are often used as a quick and easy way to add material to an article. This is not necessarily bad, as a maintaining editor can see the worth of such a link and incorporate it in the body of the article as needed. Links must be examined as to their relationship to the context and scope of the article; if the link does not fit the context and scope, then the link should be redacted or moved to the proper article.

Formatting 编辑

A best practice is to use citation templates to format external links. Web links should include the accessdate field; as these links age, they should be checked to see if they are still live or relevant and the accessdate updated. The proper use of templates also help to prevent titles and descriptions created by editors that may be exhibit POV and makes it easier for another editor to work a link in as a reference.

姊妹計畫 编辑

When there is applicable material on a sister project such as Wikiquote, Wikisource or Wikimedia Commons, then the appropriate project templates should be added to either See also or External links.

主題 编辑


童軍團連結 编辑

童軍條目中的一種特殊問題,就是會在國家或世界童軍相關的條目中,加入個別童軍團的外部連結。舉例:童軍團網站通常會在童軍 (美國童軍)英语Boy Scouting (Boy Scouts of America)中顯示;然而美國童軍擁有4.2萬個童軍團,即使將其中一小部分連結加進這個條目,數量也是很龐大的。



*{{dmoz|Recreation/Scouting/Organizations/Boy_Scouts_of_America/Troops|Boy Scouts of America: Troops}}


列表 编辑

Lists should have criteria for inclusion and formatting guidelines clearly defined on the article talk page. Example: Talk:List of Eagle Scouts (Boy Scouts of America). The use of non-free media in lists usually fails the test for significance.

引用來源 编辑

Wikipedia has three systems for citing sources: embedded citations, author-date referencing (Harvard) and footnotes. These systems should not normally be mixed; converting an article from one system to another should be discussed before changes are applied.

The preferred method is to use footnotes formatted with citation templates to provide clear references in an article. This method is not mandatory, but is considered a best practice. Using citation templates also makes the references accessible to reference management software such as Zotero. A tutorial on how to use these systems together is available at Wikipedia:WikiProject Scouting/References.

分類 编辑


影像 编辑


條目維護 编辑

Processes related to maintenance such as creating, merging, moving and deleting Scouting-related articles are outlined at Wikipedia:WikiProject Scouting/Article maintenance. These processes include the use of project templates and how to announce maintenance related issues to the project community.