
后抑制反弹效应(英语:Ironic process theory, ironic rebound, or the white bear problem),也称为讽刺性反弹白熊问题, 是指这样一个心理过程:刻意抑制某些想法时,实际上会使这些想法更容易浮出水面。 一个例子是,当某人积极地试图不去想一只白熊时,他实际上更有可能想象一只白熊。[1][2]

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  1. ^ Daniel M. Wegner; David J. Schneider. The White Bear Story. Psychological Inquiry. 2003, 14 (3/4): 326–329. JSTOR 1449696. doi:10.1207/s15327965pli1403&4_24. 
  2. ^ Stafford, Tom. How often do men really think about sex?. bbc.com (British Broadcasting Corporation). 18 June 2014 [2022-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-04).