

图鲁夫图鲁维斯(英语:Twrch Trwyth威尔士语发音:[tuːɾχ tɾʊɨθ],另有TrwydTroyntMSS.HK)、TroitMSS.C1 D G Q),或 TeritMSS. C2 L)的拼法[1]),另译图夫图兹特鲁伊斯,是凯尔特神话中的魔猪。他本来是一名爱尔兰国王,但因为触怒神,所以被变成魔猪

图鲁夫图鲁维斯雕像。由Tony Woodman 雕硕
图鲁夫图鲁维斯雕像。由Tony Woodman 雕硕
  • Grugyn Gwrych Ereint (~Silver-bristle)
  • Llwydawg Govynnyad (~the Hewer)
  • Twrch Lllawin
  • Gwys
  • Banw
  • Bennwig
  • one unnamed boar
父母Taredd Wledig

形象 编辑


传说 编辑

不列颠历史 编辑

图鲁夫图鲁维斯的传说最早是纪录在 De Mirabilibus Britanniae 的子章节——《Wonders of Britain》之中。下为摘录段落(这边采用的名称是 Troynt

There is another wonder in the region called Buelt. There is a heap of stones, and one stone laid on the heap having upon it the footmark of a dog. When he hunted the swine Troynt(→Troit[3]), Cabal, which was a dog of the warrior Arthur, impressed the stone with the print of his foot, and Arthur afterwards collected a heap of stones beneath the stone in which was the print of his dog's foot, and it is called Carn Cabal. And people come and take away the stone in their hands for the space of a day and a night, and on the next day it is found on its heap.
— Lady Guest tr., notes to Kilhwch and Olwen, Mabinogion.[4]

库尔威奇与欧雯 编辑

库尔威奇是威尔士及凯尔特的传说英雄之一。他在幼年时得罪了继母,使得继母对自己施下诅咒——必须迎娶巨人伊斯巴达登‧班考尔威尔士语Ysbaddaden Bencawr之女欧雯威尔士语Olwen[2][5]


为了狩猎图鲁夫图鲁维斯,需要事先准备猎犬杜鲁德伟英语Drudwyn、能驾驭杜鲁德伟的马波英语Mabon ap Modron、取得法兰克王古因连因(Gwyllennhin)帮助……库尔威奇借由其堂兄——亚瑟和他手下的骑士团的帮助完成这些准备,并和他们一同狩猎。



流行文化 编辑

  • 游戏Fate/Grand Order》中,作为活动《夏日! 大海! 开拓! FGO 2016 Summer 迦勒底烈火奥德赛 ~进化的文明~》的最终敌人登场。

引用文献 编辑

  1. ^ Mommsen 1898 p.217, note to line 18
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 池上正太. ケルト神話 [凯尔特神话事典]. 王书铭译 初版2.5刷. 奇幻基地. 2016. ISBN 9789869183109. 
  3. ^ Robert Huntington Fletcher, The Arthurian material in the chronicles, p.320, "Two names in the Mirabilia should be replaced by better variant readings, Troynt by Troit, and Anir by Amr". preview
  4. ^ Schreiber 1877 edition (Lady Guest's Mabinogion), notes to Kilhwch and Olwen, p.289, translated from Stevenson 1838, §73
  5. ^ 森濑缭. いちばん詳しい「ケルト神話」がわかる事典 [“凯尔特神话”事典]. 邹玟羚译 初版. 枫树林出版事业有限公司. 2017. ISBN 9789865688653.