克里斯托弗·马洛(英语:Christopher Marlowe[1],1564年—1593年5月30日),英国伊丽莎白年代的剧作家、诗人及翻译家,为莎士比亚的同代人物。马洛以写作无韵诗(blank verse)及悲剧闻名,亦有学者认为他在生时比莎士比亚更出名[2]。
克里斯托弗·马洛 Christopher Marlowe | |
![]() 于剑桥大学基督圣体学院的一幅画,绘者不详,画中人相信是马洛 | |
出生 | 1564年2月26日领洗 英格兰坎特伯雷 |
逝世 | 1593年5月30日 英格兰德普特福德 | (29岁)
职业 | 剧作家、诗人 |
国籍 | 英格兰 |
母校 | 剑桥大学基督圣体学院 |
创作时期 | 约1586年–93年 |
文学运动 | 英格兰文艺复兴戏剧 |
代表作 | Dido, Queen of Carthage |
施影响于 | 威廉·莎士比亚 |
签名 | ![]() |
1593年5月18日,英国政府下令通缉马洛,但却并没有列出任何理由。同月20日,马洛于被带到英国枢密院前接受审讯,其后需要每天向他们报到。10天后,马洛与Ingram Frizer等人争执期间,被Ingram Frizer用匕首刺死。到了现在,仍没有人知道他的死与枢密院的审问有没有关连。[3]
编辑马洛在英格兰东南部的坎特伯雷出生,父亲John Marlowe为造鞋匠,母亲名Catherine。[4]马洛的出生日期不详,但因为当时婴儿在出生后必须受洗,而马洛的领洗日期为1564年2月26日,所以假定他于1564年2月中出生。
编辑- 《迦太基女王狄多》(Dido, Queen of Carthage,约1586年,可能与托马斯·纳什合写)
- 《帖木儿大帝上集》(Tamburlaine, Part 1,约1587年)
- 《帖木儿大帝下集》(Tamburlaine, Part 2,约1587年-1588年)
- 《马耳他的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta,约1589年)
- 《浮士德博士悲剧》(Doctor Faustus,约1589年或1593年)
- 《爱德华二世》(Edward II,约1592年)
- 《巴黎大屠杀》 (The Massacre at Paris,约1593年)
他可能是悲剧《欲念的支配》(Lust's Dominion)的1657年首版作者,但很多学者反对这个观点。[6]
编辑- ^ "Christopher Marlowe was baptised as 'Marlow,' but he spelled his name 'Marley' in his one known surviving signature." David Kathman. "The Spelling and Pronunciation of Shakespeare's Name: Pronunciation." (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ Robert A. Logan, Shakespeare's Marlowe (2007) p.4. "During Marlowe's lifetime, the popularity of his plays, Robert Greene's...remarks...including the designation "famous," and the many imitations of Tamburlaine suggest that he was for a brief time considered England's foremost dramatist."
- ^ Nicholl, Charles (2006). "By my onely meanes sett downe: The Texts of Marlow's Atheism", in Kozuka, Takashi and Mulryne, J.R. Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson: new directions in biography. Ashgate Publishing, p. 153.
- ^ This is commemorated by the name of the town's main theatre, the Marlowe Theatre, and by the town museums. However, St. George's was gutted by fire in the Baedeker raids and was demolished in the post-war period - only the tower is left, at the south end of Canterbury's High Street 存档副本. [2010-12-19]. (原始内容存档于2006-10-19).
- ^ Marlowe, Christopher (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) in Venn, J. & J. A., Alumni Cantabrigienses, Cambridge University Press, 10 vols, 1922–1958.
- ^ Logan, Terence P; Denzell S. Smith (编). The Predecessors of Shakespeare: A Survey and Bibliography of Recent Studies in English Renaissance Drama. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. 1973.
编辑- Brooke, C.F. Tucker. The Life of Marlowe and "The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage." London: Methuen, 1930. (pp. 107, 114, 99, 98)
- Bevington, David and Eric Rasmussen, Doctor Faustus and Other Plays, OUP, 1998; ISBN 0-19-283445-2
- Burgess, Anthony, A Dead Man in Deptford, Carroll & Graf, 2003. (novel about Marlowe based on the version of events in The Reckoning) ISBN 0-7867-1152-3
- Marlow, Christopher. Complete Works. Vol. 3: Edward II. Ed. R. Rowland. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. (pp. xxii-xxiii)
- Downie, J. A. and J. T. Parnell, eds., Constructing Christopher Marlowe, Cambridge 2000. ISBN 0-521-57255-X
- Honan, Park. Christopher Marlowe Poet and Spy Oxford University Press, 2005 ISBN 0-19-818695-9
- Kuriyama, Constance. Christopher Marlowe: A Renaissance Life. Cornell University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-8014-3978-7
- Logan, Robert A. Shakespeare's Marlowe: The Influence of Christopher Marlowe on Shakespeare's Artistry. Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate, 2007. ISBN 978-0-7546-5763-7
- Nicholl, Charles. The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe, Vintage, 2002 (revised edition) ISBN 0-09-943747-3
- Parker, John. The Aesthetics of Antichrist: From Christian Drama to Christopher Marlowe. Cornell University Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-8014-4519-4
- Riggs, David. "The World of Christopher Marlowe", Henry Holt and Co., 2005 ISBN 0-8050-8036-8
- Shepard, Alan. "Marlowe's Soldiers: Rhetorics of Masculinity in the Age of the Armada", Ashgate, 2002. ISBN 0-7546-0229-X
- Trow, M. J. Who Killed Kit Marlowe?, Sutton, 2002; ISBN 0-7509-2963-4
- Ule, Louis. Christopher Marlowe (1564–1607): A Biography, Carlton Press, 1996. ISBN 0-8062-5028-3
- Welsh, Louise. "Tamburlaine Must Die", novella based on the build up to Marlowe's death.
- Wraight, A.D. and Virginia F. Stern, In Search of Christopher Marlowe: A Pictorial Biography, Macdonald, London 1965
编辑- The Marlowe Society (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- The works of Marlowe at Perseus Project (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Works by Christopher Marlowe in e-book
- BBC audio file (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). In Our Time Radio 4 discussion programme on Marlowe and his work
- WorldCat 联合目录中克里斯托弗·马洛的著作或与之相关的著作