乌兹钢(英语:Wootz steel),一种坩埚钢,特色是会呈现出条纹的样式,亦是一种高碳钢,含有碳化物成份,内部结构出现马氏体波来铁。这种钢材在西元前6世纪在印度被发展出来并出口到其他地区,在不同地区有不同名称;在中东地区,以乌兹钢为基础锻造出大马士革钢[1]

Crucible steels like wootz steel and Damascus steel exhibit unique banding patterns because of the intermixed ferrite and cementite alloys in the steel.

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  1. ^ J.‐S. Park K. Rajan R. Ramesh. High‐carbon steel and ancient sword‐making as observed in a double‐edged sword from an Iron Age megalithic burial in Tamil Nadu, India. Archaeometry. 2020, 62: 68–80. doi:10.1111/arcm.12503 . 

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