
座標44°08′32″N 4°48′17″E / 44.142222°N 4.804722°E / 44.142222; 4.804722

奧朗日凱旋門(法語:Arc de triomphe d'Orange)是一個凱旋門,位於法國東南部城市奧朗日。關於凱旋門何時建成尚有爭議[1],目前的研究接受作為證據的銘文[2]支持建於奧古斯都在位期間的說法,即公元前27年至公元14年之間[3]。它修建在過去的阿格里帕大道(via Agrippa)上,褒揚高盧戰爭和第二奧古斯都軍團的退伍軍人。後來在公元20年代由繼任的皇帝提庇留重建,以慶祝日耳曼尼庫斯戰勝萊茵蘭的日耳曼部落[3]。凱旋門內有公元27年獻給皇帝提庇留的銘文[4]。凱旋門描繪各種軍事主題的浮雕,其中包括海戰,以及與日耳曼人高盧人的戰爭[4]

官方名稱Roman Theatre and its Surroundings and the Monumental Arch of Orange(英文)
Théâtre antique et ses abords et « Arc de Triomphe » d'Orange(法文)
位置 法國歐洲和北美地區
標準 iii, vi


參考文獻 編輯

  1. ^ Bibliography of scholarship that rejects the inscription as evidence for dating the construction is presented by James C. Anderson, Jr., "Anachronism in the Roman Architecture of Gaul: The Date of the Maison Carrée at Nîmes" The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 60,1(March 2001:68-79) p. 71 note 12; Anderson offers a revised date in the first half of the second century for the Maison Carrée: "in short, once the date of the Maison Carrée is called into question, the entire chronology for such Romano-Provençal monuments requires reassessment"(p. 72).
  2. ^ The traditional dating for the triumphal arches of Gallia Narbonensis is summarized in Pierre Gros, "Pour une chronologie des arcs de triomphe de Gaule narbonnaise", Gallia 37(1979:55-83
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Cleere, Henry. Southern France: An Oxford Archaeological Guide. Oxford University Press. May 14, 2001: 122–123. ISBN 0192880063. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Bromwich, James. The Roman Remains of Southern France: A Guidebook. Routledge. 1993: 183–186. ISBN 0415143586.