
沙倫·特拉維克(英語:Sharon Jean Traweek)是一位美國科學知識社會學家,加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校副教授[1],主要的科普作品有《物理與人理——對高能物理學家社區的人類學考察》(Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of High Energy Physicists),介紹了粒子物理學家的世界,被翻譯為中文等多種文字[2][3][4][5]

Sharon Traweek
論文Uptime, downtime, spacetime, and power: an ethnography of the particle physics community in Japan and the United States(1982)
受影響自Robert O. PaxtonVartan Gregorian海登·懷特格雷戈里·貝特森

參考文獻 編輯

  1. ^ Traweek, Sharon. Uptime, downtime, spacetime, and power: an ethnography of the particle physics community in Japan and the United States (Ph.D論文). 1982 [2020-11-02]. OCLC 680612278. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-03). 
  2. ^ Latour, Bruno; Woolgar, Steve, Postscript to second edition (1986), Latour, Bruno; Woolgar, Steve (編), Laboratory life: the construction of scientific facts, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press: 273–286, 1986 [1979], ISBN 9780691094182.  Originally published 1979 in Los Angeles, by Sage Publications
  3. ^ Rosser, Sue V., Life in the lab, Rosser, Sue V. (編), The science glass ceiling: academic women scientists and the struggle to succeed, New York, New York: Routledge: 45–46, 2004, ISBN 9780415945134. 
  4. ^ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sharon_Traweek
  5. ^ https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C6&q=beamtimes+and+lifetimes&btnG=&oq=beam

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