LILO (LInux LOader)是Linux一個啟動程式,早年是許多Linux發行版使用的啟動程式。LILO後來被GRUBSYSLINUX取代。

Standard LILO menu display.
Standard LILO menu display.
開發者Werner Almesberger (1992–1998), John Coffman (1999–2007), Joachim Wiedorn (自2010年起)
  • 24.2 (2015年11月22日)[1]
原始碼庫 編輯維基數據連結

總覽 編輯

LILO不依賴於一個特定的檔案系統,可以啟動一個作業系統(例如,從軟碟硬碟啟動Linux內核 [內核]鏡像)。在啟動時有十六種不同的鏡像可供選擇。各種參數,如根裝置參數,可以為每種內核單獨設置。LILO可以放在主開機紀錄(MBR)或一個分區的引導磁區中。在後者的情況下,MBR中必須包含載入LILO的代碼。


LILO 檔案 編輯

lilo.conf 編輯


/boot/ 編輯

LILO放置了許多檔案在 /boot/ – 具體請見 /boot/: LILO.

主開機紀錄 編輯


/sbin/lilo -M

輸出 編輯



錯誤代碼 編輯

例如: L 01 01 01, L 07 07 07 等..

錯誤代碼 名字 描述
0x00 Internal Error This code is generated by the sector read routine of the LILO boot loader whenever an internal inconsistency is detected. This might be caused by corrupt files. Try re-building the map file. Another possible cause for this error are attempts to access cylinders beyond 1024 while using the LINEAR option.
0x01 Illegal Command This shouldn't happen, but if it does, it may indicate an attempt to access a disk which is not supported by the BIOS. Definitely check to see if the disk is seen by the BIOS first (and that the BIOS detail is complete).
0x02 Address mark not found This usually indicates a media problem. Try again several times.
0x03 Write-protected disk This should only occur on write operations.
0x04 Sector not found This typically indicates a geometry mismatch. If you're booting a raw-written disk image, verify whether it was created for disks with the same geometry as the one you're using. If you're booting from a SCSI disk or a large IDE disk, you should check, whether LILO has obtained correct geometry data from the kernel or whether the geometry definition corresponds to the real disk geometry. Removing COMPACT may help too. So may adding LBA32 or LINEAR.
0x06 Change line active This should be a transient error. Try booting a second time.
0x07 Invalid initialization The BIOS failed to properly initialize the disk controller. You should control the BIOS setup parameters. A warm boot might help too. (Boot a rescue disc and rerun LILO.)
0x08 DMA overrun This shouldn't happen. Try booting again.
0x09 DMA attempt across 64k boundary This shouldn't happen, but may indicate a disk geometry mis-match. Try omitting the COMPACT option. You may need to specify the disk geometry yourself.
0x0C Invalid media This shouldn't happen and might be caused by a media error. Try booting again.
0x10 CRC error A media error has been detected. Try booting several times, running the map installer a second time (to put the map file at some other physical location or to write "good data" over the bad spot), mapping out the bad sectors/tracks and, if all else fails, replacing the media.
0x11 ECC correction successful A read error occurred, but was corrected. LILO does not recognize this condition and aborts the load process anyway. A second load attempt should succeed.
0x20 Controller error This shouldn't happen, then again, none of these errors should happen eh?
0x40 Seek failure This might be a media problem. Try booting again.
0x80 Disk timeout The disk or the drive isn't ready. Either the media is bad or the disk isn't spinning. If you're booting from a floppy, you might not have closed the drive door. Otherwise, trying to boot again might help.
0x99 Invalid Second Stage Mismatch between drive and BIOS geometry, or a bad map file. Some evidence that LINEAR needs to be set on the disk (see LiloNotes)
0x9A Can't Find Second Stage Check to see if you have the correct device for boot, e.g. boot=/dev/hda1 when it should be in the MBR i.e. boot=/dev/hda.
0xBB BIOS error This shouldn't happen. Try booting again. If the problem persists, removing the COMPACT option or adding/removing LINEAR or LBA32 might help.

請參閱 編輯

注意 編輯

外部連結 編輯

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