

出芽菌屬學名Gemmata)為出芽菌科的一細菌。該屬的模式種為隱球出芽菌(Gemmata obscuriglobus)。

科學分類 編輯
域: 細菌域 Bacteria
界: 細菌界 Bacteria
門: 浮黴菌門 Planctomycetota
綱: 浮黴菌綱 Planctomycetia
目: 出芽菌目 Gemmatales
科: 出芽菌科 Gemmataceae
屬: 出芽菌屬 Gemmata
Franzmann and Skerman, 1985
Gemmata obscuriglobus
Franzmann and Skerman, 1985

下屬物種 編輯


參考文獻 編輯

  1. ^ Kumar G, Kallscheuer N, Kashif M, Ahamad S, Jagadeeshwari U, Pannikurungottu S, Haufschild T, Kabuu M, Sasikala C, Jogler C, et al. Gemmata algarum, a Novel Planctomycete Isolated from an Algal Mat, Displays Antimicrobial Activity. Mar Drugs 2023; 22:0.
  2. ^ Aghnatios R, Cayrou C, Garibal M, Robert C, Azza S, Raoult D, Drancourt M. Draft genome of Gemmata massiliana sp. nov, a water-borne Planctomycetes species exhibiting two variants. Stand Genomic Sci 2015; 10:120.
  3. ^ Ivanova AA, Kulichevskaya IS, Dedysh SN. Gemmata palustris sp. nov., a novel planctomycete from a fen in northwestern Russia. Microbiology 2021; 90:598-606.
  • LPSN - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature