模板:Catholic Encyclopedia poster

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模板介紹 編輯

To link to articles in the Wikisource edition of 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia.

參數及使用方法 編輯

{{CE poster|CE Article Name}}


{{CE poster|CE Article Name|Display Name}}

範例 編輯

{{CE poster|St. Aengus (the Culdee)}}

This result is displayed in the top box to the right. If the last-name-first format looks too ugly, use:

{{CE poster|St. Aengus (the Culdee)|St. Aengus}}

This result is displayed in the bottom box to the right.

注意事項 編輯

When you put this template on a Wikipedia article, please be kind to the regular Wikipedians who are working on those articles. This should be placed at the bottom of the article, usually the External links section. Sometimes it simply won't fit within the Wikipedia article at the bottom, so you may have to use some judgement: think about using the in-line version, {{Cite Catholic Encyclopedia}}.

參見 編輯

給模板編輯者的說明 編輯

模板結構 編輯

實現方法 編輯

編輯注意 編輯