帕隆多悖论(Parrondo's paradox,是博弈论中的悖论,指一套失败策略的组合反成为获胜策略[1] 1996年,帕隆多英语J._M._R._Parrondo发现此悖论。

帕隆多在对布朗棘轮的分析中设计此悖论。布朗棘轮是物理学家费曼思想实验,設想一台能从的随机热运动中提取能量的機器。在仔細分析时,有關布朗棘轮的悖论就消失了。[2] 在帕隆多以前,生物学便探索了許多由失败策略组成的致胜策略。[3]

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  1. ^ Harmer, G. P.; Abbott, D. Losing strategies can win by Parrondo's paradox. Nature. 1999, 402 (6764): 864. S2CID 41319393. doi:10.1038/47220 . 
  2. ^ Shu, Jian-Jun; Wang, Q.-W. Beyond Parrondo's paradox. Scientific Reports. 2014, 4 (4244): 4244. Bibcode:2014NatSR...4E4244S. PMC 5379438 . PMID 24577586. arXiv:1403.5468 . doi:10.1038/srep04244. 
  3. ^ Jansen, V. A. A.; Yoshimura, J. Populations can persist in an environment consisting of sink habitats only. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 1998, 95 (7): 3696–3698. Bibcode:1998PNAS...95.3696J. PMC 19898 . PMID 9520428. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.7.3696 . .

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