

生平 编辑


紀念雕像 编辑


在他去世後,一份紀念湯彼利的请愿书收到了17,000個簽名[5],卡德柯伊市長艾庫爾特·努霍格魯(Aykurt Nuhoğlu)同意紀念湯彼利,經由當地雕塑家塞瓦爾·薩欣(Seval Şahin)製作了一座雕塑,重現了湯彼利倚靠在台階上的姿勢,並於2016年10月4日為世界野生動物日揭幕。在開幕現場中,共有數百人前來表達敬意,卡德柯伊副市長巴薩爾·內吉波盧(Başar Necipoğlu)則在土耳其電視台播出的活動中發表演說。[6]

盜竊和歸還 编辑



參考來源 编辑

  1. ^ Istanbul’s phenomenal cat Tombili dies. Hürriyet Daily News. 2016-08-10 [2024-03-03] (英语). 
  2. ^ A dead cat that became a worldwide meme has been honoured with his own statue in Istanbul. The Independent. 2016-10-04 [2024-03-03] (英语). 
  3. ^ Famously Chill Cat Memorialized With Her Own Statue. HuffPost. 2016-10-04 [2024-03-03] (英语). 
  4. ^ Istanbul’s Most Famous Cat Honored With Its Own Statue At Its Favorite Spot. Bored Panda. 2016-10-04 [2024-03-03] (美国英语). 
  5. ^ Paiella, Gabriella. Gaze Upon the Visage of This Beautiful and Haunting Cat Statue. The Cut. 2016-10-04 [2024-03-03] (英语). 
  6. ^ Sculpture of cat phenomenon ‘Tombili’ inaugurated in Istanbul. Hürriyet Daily News. 2016-10-04 [2024-03-03] (英语). 
  7. ^ Sabah, Daily. Sculpture of Istanbul’s social media phenomenon cat Tombili stolen. Daily Sabah. 2016-11-08 [2024-03-03] (美国英语). 
  8. ^ Sculpture of iconic Istanbul cat ‘Tombili’ stolen. Hürriyet Daily News. 2016-11-08 [2024-03-03] (英语). 
  9. ^ Stolen statue of beloved Istanbul cat returned. BBC News. 2016-11-10 [2024-03-03] (英国英语). 
  10. ^ Kadıköy’ün kedisi Tombili yuvasına döndü. www.ntv.com.tr. [2024-03-03] (土耳其语). 

外部連結 编辑