立场书(英語:position paper)是对某个问题提出有争议的意见——通常是作者或某些特定实体的意见的文章。立场书发表在学术界、政治、法律和其他领域,目的是让听众相信所提出的意见是有效的并且值得倾听。

立场书的范围从最简单的给编辑部的“读者来信”(英語:letter to the editor)到最复杂的学术形式。[1]大型组织也使用立场书来公开该组织的官方理念和建议。[2]

适用范围 编辑

学术 编辑


政治 编辑



法律 编辑


参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ Sanders, Tingloo & Verhulst 2005,第11, "The simplest form is the letter to the editor... The most complex type of position paper is the academic position paper in which arguments and evidence are presented to support the writer's views."
  2. ^ An example of a position paper published by an organization: Information Literacy: A Position Paper on Information Problem Solving, American Association of School Librarians, (原始内容存档于2008-04-22) 
  3. ^ Steely 2000,第186, "Through the use of position papers, telephone briefings, audio and video tapes and personal appearances Newt was able to share his ideas, ... ."
  4. ^ Government position papers, Brake: the Road Safety Charity, [2008-08-24], (原始内容存档于2019-12-16) 
  5. ^ Bond 1998, "..., writing position papers and talking points, ... are examples of non-classified work which is carried out at virtually every diplomatic post."
  6. ^ Newsom & Haynes 2004,第163, "Another special area is the use of position papers as the locus for image ads and public service announcements (PSAs) for an organization."