舉證責任 (法律)
舉證責任(英語:Burden of proof、Standard of proof、證明度),又稱提供证據的責任,是在證據法中有多義且模糊的概念,此責任通常取決於相關實體法律的規定,法庭採納的推定及規則可能在不同情境下移轉舉證責任[1]。
编辑- ^ evidence law. Encyclopaedia Britannica(大英百科全書). Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition (大英線上英文學術版. 2014 [2014-09-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-28).
The burden of proof is a manifold and somewhat ambiguous concept in the law of evidence. The burden of producing evidence means that in general the party that cites specific facts for the substantiation of its claim also has the burden of producing the evidence to prove these facts. This burden depends on the substantive law governing the claim. Permissible presumptions and legal rules can shift the burden in various situations. The burden of conviction, on the other hand, comes into play at the end of the hearing of evidence, if doubts remain. This is simply to recognize that the evidence is not sufficient to convince the jury or the judge and that, in general, the party having the burden of pleading and producing facts favourable to itself and of giving evidence also carries the so-called burden of conviction
- ^ Juliane Kokott. The Burden of Proof in Comparative and International Human Rights Law Civil and Common Law Approaches With Special Reference to the American and German Legal Systems. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 1998. ISBN 90-411-0570-0.
- ^ 吕国民. 国际私法/冲突法与实体法. 中信出版社. 2002: 147. ISBN 978-7-80073-445-8.
舉證責任問題究是程序問題還是實質問題,則存在著較大分岐。大陸法系國家一般把舉證責任規定在民法典中... 英國和加拿大等普通法系國家則把舉證責任視為程序法問題,... 總而言之,英美法系國家的司法實踐表明,舉證責任問題並不都是程序法問題。如果證據是矛盾的,當事人雙方都不能說服陪審團,這時候,舉證責任落在哪一方,對案件的結局就起決定性的作用。這時,舉證責任常被識別為實體法問題。
- ^ 法经济学视角中的举证责任倒置:原因和意义. [2014-09-27]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-14).
- ^ 专家:新消保法“举证责任倒置”将提高消费者胜诉几率. [2014-09-27]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-25).
- ^ 檢察官舉證責任之研究. [2014-09-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-04).
编辑- Cooper, S. Human Rights and Legal Burdens of Proof. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues. 2003, 3 [2018-05-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-24).