蓝色古兰经》(阿拉伯语:المصحف الأزرق‎,羅馬化al-Muṣḥaf al-′Azraq),为9世纪末至10世纪初《古兰经》手稿[1],字体为阿拉伯文库法体,属于9世纪中安达卢斯所作,[2]另有认为本手稿源于中世纪突尼斯凯鲁万城。[1]


参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Folio from the "Blue Qur'an" - second half 9th–mid-10th century. Metmuseum.org. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2020 [2020-08-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-25) (英语). 
  2. ^ D'Ottone Rambach, Arianna. The Blue Koran. A Contribution to the Debate on its Possible Origin and Date. Journal of Islamic Manuscripts (Leiden: Brill Publishers). January 2017, 8 (2): 127–143. doi:10.1163/1878464X-00801004 (英语).