
《1713年買賣聖職法令》(英語:Simony Act 1713;13 Ann c 11)是大不列顛國會英语Parliament of Great Britain的一項法令,旨在防止買賣聖職

Simony Act 1713[1]
詳題An Act for the better Maintenance of Curates within the Church of England within the Church of England, and for preventing any Ecclesiastical Persons from buying the next Avoidance of any Church Preferment.[2]
引稱13 Ann c 11

整部法令由《1971年成文法(廢除)法令英语Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1971》第1條及附表第II部廢除。

標題 编辑

詳題中由「for the better」起至「England and」止的字句由《1948年成文法編正法令英语Statute Law Revision Act 1948》第1條及附表1廢除。

第2條 编辑


參考文獻 编辑

  1. ^ The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by section 1 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Short Titles Act 1896. Due to the repeal of those provisions, it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
  2. ^ These words are printed against this Act in the second column of Schedule 1 to the Short Titles Act 1896, which is headed "Title".