KeyMe Locksmiths是一家總部位於美國纽约的鑰匙技术公司[1],该公司由格雷格·马什(Greg Marsh)于2012年创立,據稱他早年更换家中的锁具時發現非常麻煩,於是就有了創業的念頭。 [2] 該公司的產品有钥匙复制自助機以及相關的应用程序。 [3][4]

KeyMe Locksmiths
創辦人Greg Marsh


参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ KeyMe raises $35 million to duplicate keys with AI. 14 January 2020 [2022-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-30). 
  2. ^ KeyMe, the App That Makes It Scarily Easy to Duplicate Keys, Locks In Another $25 Million. Fortune Magazine. [2022-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-30). 
  3. ^ Aamoth, Doug. Locked Out? This App Stores Your Keys Online. Time Magazine. [2022-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-30). 
  4. ^ Vuocolo, Alex. KeyMe CEO Wants to Bring Trust, Convenience to $12 Billion Locksmith Industry. Cheddar News. [2022-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-27). 
  5. ^ Brian X. Chen. This Tech Makes D.I.Y. Key Duplication Easy. Maybe Too Easy.. New York Times. March 6, 2019 [March 29, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-30). 
  6. ^ KeyMe aims to replace locksmiths with kiosks in more cities. EnGadget. [2022-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-12). 
  7. ^ Startup KeyMe offers cheaper alternative to replacing car keys. New York Post. 21 December 2014 [2022-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-30).