
Unblock-zh ticketing system is an independent service based on free software and volunteer work. It is not affiliated with WMF or its projects. Do not upload your Wikipedia password to this site. Users of all languages are welcomed. That said, communicate in Chinese where possible.
To maintain interoperability, all visible contents on this site are published under the same licence as the one used in Chinese Wikipedia, i.e. CC-BY-SA 3.0, unless otherwise declared. You may specify the licence under which you wish to publish your content at the time of submission. If not specified, the licence defaults to CC-BY-SA 3.0. A licence cannot be changed once your content has been viewed by someone other than yourself.
This site protects your privacy with plenty precaution and technologies. Cookies that does not contain real-world identifiable information are used to identify individual users. Your IP address and user agent information are not being actively tracked or used for any purpose except for flood mitigation. In which case these information are heavily diluted with additional entropy, scrambled with SHA-2 algorithm and are only stored in memory for no longer than 24 hours, after which they're explicitly ordered to be destroyed. They are never written to the hard disk, never logged and never served to any client. For those interested in the inner mechanics of the site, source code is available.