
注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google ChromeFirefoxMicrosoft EdgeSafari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。

        var Pare_str = (function(){
            "use strict";

            function Pare_str(pare_string, config)
                this.str = pare_string;
                this.left = "(";
                this.delim = ":";
                this.right = ")";

                if(typeof config !== "string")
                    config = String(config);

                if(pare_string.length > 6 && /[@#%][sS][eE][tT]/.test(pare_string.slice(0,4)) && config.indexOf("ignore-set") === -1)
                    this.left = pare_string[4];
                    this.delim = pare_string[5];
                    this.right = pare_string[6];

                    if(this.left === this.right || this.left === this.delim || this.right == this.delim)
                        throw new SyntaxError("Pound set statement has repetitive characters. E.g. '#set|:|' is illegal.")

            Pare_str.prototype.find = function(lookup_key)
                lookup_key = this.left + lookup_key + this.delim;

                if(this.str.indexOf(lookup_key) === -1)
                    return null;
                    return this.str.split(lookup_key)[1].split(this.right)[0];

   = function(new_key, new_value) // will not check for existance
                if (new_key.indexOf(this.left) !== -1 || new_key.indexOf(this.right) !== -1 || new_key.indexOf(this.delim) !== -1 ||
                    new_value.indexOf(this.left) !== -1 || new_value.indexOf(this.right) !== -1)
                    throw new Error("Pare_str: Illegal key or value. Key mustn't have any bound or delimiter, value mustn't have any bound.");

                this.str = this.left + new_key + this.delim + new_value + this.right + this.str;

                return this;

            Pare_str.prototype.update = function(lookup_key, new_value) // will create if not exist
                if(this.find(lookup_key) === null)
          , new_value);
                    var new_str = this.str.split(this.left + lookup_key + this.delim);
                    new_str[1] = new_str[1].split(this.right);
                    new_str[1][0] = new_value;
                    new_str[1] = new_str[1].join(this.right);
                    new_str = new_str.join(this.left + lookup_key + this.delim);
                    this.str = new_str;

                return this;

            function intep(celldata)
                    return false;
                else if(/^\$[tT]rue$/.test(celldata))
                    return true;
                else if(/^\$-?(0*|[1-9][0-9]*)(|.[0-9]+)(|[eE](|\+|-)[0-9]*)$/.test(celldata))
                    return parseFloat(celldata.slice(1));
                else if(/^\$[nN](ull|one|il)$/.test(celldata))
                    return null;
                    return celldata;

            Pare_str.prototype.intep = function(lookup_key)
                return intep(this.find(lookup_key));

            return Pare_str;
