注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google ChromeFirefoxMicrosoft EdgeSafari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。

function acceptable_type(variable)
    const type = typeof variable;
    return (type === "string" || type === "symbol");

class Noty
        let note = {};

        this.note = function(name = null, content = true)  // always return this. it puts things into memory the returns this so you can chain it.
                name in note ? note[name].push(content) : note[name] = [content];
            return this;

        this.new = function(name = null, content = true)
                throw new Error("Cannot recreate existing note using assertive new method.");
                return this.note(name, content);

        this.noted = function(name = null)  // INCONSISTENT RETURN VALUE returns the thing being noted and take it off memory. if nothing noted, return null. cannot distinguish between a null note and not noted.
            if(acceptable_type(name) && name in note)
                const content = note[name].pop();
                if(note[name].length === 0)
                    delete note[name];
                return content;
                return null;
            // noted returns data or null, but data itself could be null, in which case,
            // noted cannot distinguish between whether something is not noted or something is noted as null. to determine that, ask 'notes' for help.

        this.noting = function(name = null)  // always returns true or false indicating if the entry is being noted.
                return name in note;
                return false;

        this.dismiss = function(name = null)  // INCONSISTENT RETURN VALUE returns array if the dismissed note exists, otherwise returns null
            let note_array = name in note ? note[name] : null;
            delete note[name];
            return note_array;

        this.notes = function()  // always returns array, even when nothing is noted, then it returns empty array.
            return Object.keys(note);

module.exports = Noty;