

曼尼·班巴·维拉({{lang-en|Manuel "Manny" Bamba Villar Jr.}},{{bd|1949年|12月13日||catIdx=M}}),是菲律宾的亿万富翁、商人、房地产大亨,曾任菲律宾众议院议长、菲律宾参议院议长。[1][2][3][4]

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Category:馬尼拉人 Category:菲律賓參議院議長 Category:菲律賓眾議院議長 Category:菲律賓億萬富豪 Category:菲律賓天主教徒 Category:菲律賓大學迪里曼分校校友 Category:旭日大绶章获得者

  1. ^ ABOUT: Manuel Bamba Villar, Jr. | Pinoy Shouts!
  2. ^ BIOGRAPHY: Manuel Bamba Villar, Jr. | Pinoy Shouts!
  3. ^ {{Cite web |url= |title=Biography of Senate President Villar - Senate of the Philippines |access-date=2021-03-14 |archive-date=2021-02-27 |archive-url= |dead-url=no }}
  4. ^ Manuel Villar (born December 13, 1949), Philippine ... - Prabook
  5. ^ {{ja}}{{cite web |url= |title=令和4年春の外国人叙勲受章者名簿 |publisher=内阁府 |date=2022-04-29 |accessdate=2022-05-05 |archive-date=2022-04-29 |archive-url= |dead-url=no }}