

米特里達梯王朝,也被稱為龐蒂克王朝,是一個起源於波斯的世襲王朝,[1][2][3][4]米特里達梯一世 (本都)(也稱基厄斯的米特里達梯三世 (Mithridates III of Cius)) 在公元前 281年創立。[5]王朝創立者的血緣來自統治基厄斯的波斯貴族最高層。[5]米特里達梯一世 (本都)在他父親,以及他的前任國王基厄斯米特里達梯二世被謀害之後,逃到帕夫拉戈尼亞(Paphlagonia), 後來宣告成立本都王國,採用"Ktistes"(字面意思,建设者)的名號。[6][7]  這個王朝在米特里達梯六世統治時,國土領域擴充到最大,米特里達梯六世被稱為本都王國最偉大的國王。[8]

本都王國米特里達梯六世率領下與羅馬共和國共發生三次米特里達梯戰爭,直到公元前60年代後期失敗被殺,他是羅馬人主要的敵人。 在公元前48年,羅馬共和國在克里米亞的代理國王法爾奈克二世英语Pharnaces II米特里達梯六世之子)企圖奪回本都王國原有的領土,但是被凱撒大帝日拉之戰英语Battle of Zela徹底挫敗。[9]



米特里達梯王朝在米特里達梯六世統治時,國土擴充到最大,他征服了鄰近的科爾基斯(Colchis)和特拉布宗(Trabon)的土地,以及在博斯普魯斯王國 國王匹理薩德五世英语Paerisades V 過世後,成功的繼任為該國的國王。

然而,這並没有持續多久。 他的兒子,即繼承人法爾奈克二世英语Pharnaces II日拉之戰英语Battle of Zela後,被剝奪本都王國國王的大位,米特里達梯王朝所能控制的只剩博斯普魯斯王國的領土而已,但是法爾奈克二世英语Pharnaces II最後仍然被羅馬將領阿桑德所驅逐下台,取而代之。

這個朝代,通過米特里達梯六世的女兒蒂娜密絲英语Dynamis(Bosporan queen) ,以及她的後代繼續統治博斯普魯斯王國直到公元342年。博斯普魯斯王國羅馬帝國治下歷時最長久的附屬國. 他們的後裔包括:

  • 寇提斯一世英语Cotys I,支持羅馬人,反對他的兄弟{{link-en|博斯普魯斯的米特里達梯三世|Mithridates III of the Bosporan]]。

[[Category:本都君主]] [[Category:博斯普魯斯王國的國王]] [[Category:伊朗的朝代]] [[Category:古波斯的朝代]]

  1. ^ The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI Eupator, King of Pontus, by B. C. McGing, page 11
  2. ^ Children of Achilles: The Greeks in Asia Minor Since the Days of Troy, by John Freely, page 69-70
  3. ^ Strabo of Amasia: A Greek Man of Letters in Augustan Rome, by Daniela Dueck, page 3
  4. ^ McGing, Brian. PONTUS. Encyclopaedia Iranica. 2004.  Editors list列表中的|first1=缺少|last1= (帮助)
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Dueck 2002,第3頁.
  6. ^ McGing, B.C. The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI Eupator, King of Pontus. BRILL. 1986: 15. ISBN 978-9004075917. In 302 Mithridates II fell under suspicion of conspiring with Cassander against Antigonus and was killed near Cius. His son Mithridates III of Cius inherited the dynasty but was warned by his friend Demetrius that he too was in danger from Antigonus and fled to Paphlagonia. Here he ruled for thirty-six years (302–266) at some stage proclaiming himself Mithridates Ctistes, founder of the kingdom of Pontus and the line of Pontic kings. 
  7. ^ Dueck, Daniela. Strabo of Amasia: A Greek Man of Letters in Augustan Rome. Routledge. 2002: 3. ISBN 978-1134605613. Mithridates III of Cius fled to Paphlagonia after his father was killed by Antigonus and after he defeated certain Seleucid forces. In 281 BCE he became the first king of the Pontic dynasty and thus acquired the name "Ktistes", founder. 
  8. ^ Hewsen, Robert H. Armenians on the Black Sea: The Province of Trebizond. Richard G. Hovannisian (编). Armenian Pontus: The Trebizond-Black Sea Communities. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, Inc. 2009: 41, 37–66. ISBN 1-56859-155-1. 
  9. ^ Hewsen, Robert H. Armenians on the Black Sea: The Province of Trebizond. Richard G. Hovannisian (编). Armenian Pontus: The Trebizond-Black Sea Communities. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, Inc. 2009: 41, 37–66. ISBN 1-56859-155-1.