




阿爾弗雷德·阿德勒是第一個使用並在其個體心理學理論專著中探討「優越感」一詞的人[3][4]在阿德勒的書中,自卑感和優越感作為因果關係交織在一起。[5][6]。阿德勒認為,優越感本質來源於人需要克服潛在自卑情結。優越感是一種補償自卑感的過度矯正[3],而這是一種消極的、有害的心裡觀念[7]。某些人在面對有自卑感帶來的困難時,會發出一種優越感來克服前者,而克服的形式主要是通過誇大自身的重要性。有優越感的人往往抱有英雄主義的幻想,或對成功與失敗有著錯誤的認知[8][4] 。阿德勒認為,追求優越是人類的天性[3],然而理智的人不會將優越情結投射到他人之上或是瞧不起他人,而是將精力放在自我突破和腳踏實地的工作中。相比之下,那些擁有優越感的人卻充滿了自負的幻想並妄想著屬於自己的霸權。[9]


  1. ^ Alfred Adler, The Neurotic Constitution: Outlines of a Comparative Individualistic Psychology and Psychotherapy頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館, trans. Bernard Glueck and John E. Lind (New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1917), xvii ("... so the traits of character, especially the neurotic ones, serve as a psychic means and form of expression for the purpose of entering into an account with life, for the purpose of assuming an attitude, of gaining a fixed point in the vicissitudes of life, for the purpose of reaching that security-giving goal, the feeling of superiority.").
  2. ^ American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. ahdictionary.com 5th. 2018 [5 October 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-22). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Adler, Alfred, 1870-1937. The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler : a Systematic Presentation in Selections from His Writings First. New York. 1964-12-30. ISBN 9780061311543. OCLC 5692434. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 H Mosak, Primer of Adlerian Psychology (2013) p 83
  5. ^ PsycNET. psycnet.apa.org. [2019-11-07]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-22). 
  6. ^ PsycNET. psycnet.apa.org. [2019-11-07]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-22). 
  7. ^ R Sharf, Theories of Psychotherapy and Counselling (2011) p. 130
  8. ^ A Adler, Collected Clinical Works of Alfred Adler (2002) p. 78
  9. ^ R Gregory ed., The Oxford Companion to the Mind (1987) p. 368 and p. 6