殷鐸澤義大利語Prospero Intorcetta, 1626年—1696年)是一位17世纪活跃于中国的耶稣会传教士。


生平 编辑


著作 编辑


  • 《The meaning of Chinese wisdom as explained by Fr. Ignacio da Costa, Portuguese, of the Society of Jesus, and made public by Fr. Prospero Intorcetta, Sicilian, of the same society》。[2]
  • 《Sinarum scientia politico-moralis》,1667年
  • 儒教,中国哲学》,1687年,和柏应理合著

参考来源 编辑

  1. ^ Brockey, p.277
  2. ^ Brockey, p.279
  • Paternicò, Luisa M. (2011). “Prospero Intorcetta and the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus”, in L.M. Paternicò (ed.). The Generation of Giants. Jesuit missionaries and scientists in China on the footsteps of Matteo Ricci. Trento: Centro studi Martino Martini, pp. 61–68.
  • Liam Matthew Brockey, Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724, Harvard University Press, 2007, ISBN 0-674-02448-6, ISBN 978-0-674-02448-9

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