計重秤(英語:weighing scale,scale)簡稱秤、稱、磅,是度量物體重量的工具,例如體重計;現今也偶爾用作測量力量的器具。在古代没有物理学质量的概念下,口语上习惯将等臂杠杆衡器称为“天平”,而将不等臂杠杆衡器称为“秤”[1]。

编辑- 关于珍贵项链的秤量 阿卜杜勒 - 拉赫曼·AL-Jabarti “设计经营”的尺度是一个18世纪的阿拉伯语手稿
- Weighing Machines. Chisholm, Hugh (编). Encyclopædia Britannica 28 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press: 468–477. 1911. This a comprehensive review of the history and contemporaneous state of weighing machines. Airy, Wilfrid.
- Balance. Encyclopædia Britannica 3 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press: 234–235. 1911. Chisholm, Hugh (编).
- National Conference on Weights and Measures, NIST Handbook 44, Specifications, Tolerances, And Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices, 2003
- Analytical Balance article at ChemLab
- relivant dual weighing scale for babies and adults
- "The Precious Necklace Regarding Weigh Scales" is an 18th-century manuscript by Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti about the "design and operation" of scales
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