費正清獎(John K. Fairbank Prize),是美國歷史學會創辦的學術圖書獎項,以美國漢學家費正清命名,表揚優秀的東亞研究著作。具體授獎對象是研究1800年以來的中國(包括漢地、新疆、西藏、滿洲)、蒙古、日本、韓國、越南等東亞地區的學術專著。多人合集、編著、厚度不足的小冊子不得參加評選。[1]1969年開始頒發,原為兩年一屆,1985年以後改為每年一屆。
编辑年 | 作者 | 作品 | 出版社 | 中譯本 |
1969 | 史扶鄰(Harold Z. Schiffrin) | Sun Yat-Sen and the Origins of the Chinese Revolution | University of California Press 1968 | 《孫中山與中國革命的起源》(中國社會科學出版社1981) |
奈地田哲夫(Tetsuo Najita) | Hara Kei in the Politics of Compromise, 1905-1915 | Harvard University Press 1967 | ||
1971 | 贾祖麟(Jerome B. Grieder) | Hu Shih and the Chinese Renaissance: Liberalism in the Chinese Revolution, 1917-37 | Harvard University Press 1970 | 《胡適之評傳》(南海出版公司1992) 《胡適與中國的文藝復興:中國革命中的自由主義(1917-1937)》(江蘇人民出版社2005) |
1973 | William G. Beasley | The Meiji Restoration | Stanford University Press 1972 | 《明治維新》(江蘇人民出版社2012) |
1975 | 簡又文 | The Taiping Revolutionary Movement | Yale University Press 1973 | 《太平天國革命運動史》(九州出版社2020) |
1977 | Gail Lee Bernstein | Japanese Marxist: A Portrait of Kawakami Hajime, 1879-1946 | Harvard University Press 1976 | |
1979 | 艾愷(Guy S. Alitto) | The Last Confucian: Liang Shu-ming and the Chinese Dilemma of Modernity | University of California Press 1979 | 《最後一個儒家:梁漱溟與現代中國的困境》(湖南人民出版社1988) 《最後的儒家:梁漱溟與中國現代化的兩難》(江蘇人民出版社2003) |
1981 | Conrad Totman | The Collapse of the Tokugawa Bakufu, 1862-1868 | University of Hawaii Press 1980 | |
1983 | 布魯斯·卡明斯(Bruce Cumings) | The Origins of the Korean War: Liberation and the Emergence of Separate Regimes, 1945-47 | Princeton University Press 1981 | |
1985 | 黃宗智 | The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China | Stanford University Press 1985 | 《華北的小農經濟與社會變遷》(香港牛津大學出版社1994) |
1986 | Carol Gluck | Japan's Modern Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period | Princeton University Press 1985 | 《日本的現代神話:明治晚期的意識形態》(江蘇人民出版社2023) |
1987 | 周錫瑞(Joseph W. Esherick) | The Origins of the Boxer Uprising | University of California Press 1987 | 《义和团运动的起源》(江蘇人民出版社2005) |
1988 | Sheldon M. Garon | The State and Labor in Modern Japan | University of California Press 1987 | |
1989 | 杜贊奇(Prasenjit Duara) | Culture, Power, and the State: Rural North China, 1900-1942 | Stanford University Press 1988 | 《文化、權力與國家:1900-1942年的華北農村》(江蘇人民出版社2003) |
1990 | Miriam Silverberg | Changing Song: The Marxist Manifestos of Nakano Shigeharu | Princeton University Press 1990 | |
1991 | 安德魯·戈登(Andrew Gordon) | Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan | University of California Press 1991 | |
1992 | 卡特·埃克特(Carter Eckert) | Offspring of Empire: The Ko-ch'ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism, 1876-1945 | University of Washington Press 1991 | |
白凱(Kathryn Bernhardt) | Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840-1950 | Stanford University Press 1992 | 《长江下游地区的地租、赋税与农民的反抗斗争(1840-1950)》(上海書店出版社2005) | |
1993 | 裴宜理(Elizabeth J. Perry) | Shanghai on Strike: The Politics of Chinese Labor | Stanford University Press 1993 | 《上海罷工:中國工人政治研究》(江蘇人民出版社2001) |
Stefan Tanaka | Japan's Orient: Rendering Pasts into History | University of California Press 1993 | ||
1994 | 彭慕蘭(Kenneth Pomeranz) | The Making of a Hinterland: State, Society, and Economy in Inland North China, 1853-1937 | University of California Press 1993 | 《腹地的构建:华北内地的国家、社会和经济(1853-1937)》(社會科學文獻出版社2005) |
1995 | Kären Wigen | The Making of Japanese Periphery, 1750-1920 | University of California Press 1995 | |
1996 | David G. Marr | Vietnam 1945: The Quest for Power | University of California Press 1995 | |
1997 | 柯文(Paul A. Cohen) | History in Three Keys: The Boxers as Event, Experience, and Myth | Columbia University Press 1997 | 《历史三调:作为事件、经历和神话的义和团》(江蘇人民出版社2005) |
1998 | Louise Young | Japan's Total Empire: Manchuria and the Culture of Wartime Imperialism | University of California Press 1998 | |
1999 | 约翰·W·道尔(John W. Dower) | Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II | W. W. Norton & Company 1999 | 《拥抱战败:第二次世界大战后的日本》(三聯書店2008) |
2000 | 彭慕蘭(Kenneth Pomeranz) | The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy | Princeton University Press 2000 | 《大分流:欧洲、中国及现代世界经济的发展》(江蘇人民出版社2004) |
2001 | Peter Zinoman | The Colonial Bastille: A History of Imprisonment in Vietnam, 1862-1940 | University of California Press 2001 | |
2002 | Julia Adeney Thomas | Reconfiguring Modernity: Concepts of Nature in Japanese Political Ideology | University of California Press 2002 | |
2003 | 吉瑞德(Norman J. Girardot) | The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge's Oriental Pilgrimage | University of California Press 2002 | 《朝觐东方:理雅各评传》(廣西師範大學出版社2011) |
2004 | Jordan Sand | House and Home in Modern Japan: Architecture, Domestic Space, and Bourgeois Culture, 1880-1930 | Harvard University Asia Center 2003 | 《現代日本家與居:建築、家庭空間與中產文化》(北京大學出版社2021) |
2005 | 罗芙芸(Ruth Rogaski) | Hygienic Modernity: Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-port China | University of California Press 2004 | 《卫生的现代性:中国通商口岸卫生与疾病的含义》(江蘇人民出版社2007) |
2006 | 曾小萍(Madeleine Zelin) | The Merchants of Zigong: Industrial Entrepreneurship in Early Modern China | Columbia University Press 2006 | 《自貢商人:近代早期中國的企業家》(江蘇人民出版社2014) |
2007 | 林郁沁(Eugenia Lean) | Public Passions: The Trial of Shi Jianqiao and the rise of Popular Sympathy in Republican China | University of California Press 2007 | 《施剑翘复仇案:民国时期公众同情的兴起与影响》(江蘇人民出版社2011) |
2008 | 曼素恩(Susan L. Mann) | The Talented Women of the Zhang Family | University of California Press 2007 | 《張門才女》(北京大學出版社2015) |
2009 | 余凱思(Klaus Mühlhahn) | Criminal Justice in China: A History | Harvard University Press 2009 | |
2010 | 詹姆斯·C·斯科特(James C. Scott) | The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia | Yale University Press 2009 | 《逃避统治的艺术:东南亚高地的无政府主义历史》(三聯書店2016) |
2011 | 班凱樂(Carol A. Benedict) | Golden-Silk Smoke: A History of Tobacco in China, 1550-2010 | University of California Press 2011 | 《中国烟草史》(北京大學出版社2018) |
2012 | 內田じゅん(Jun Uchida) | Brokers of Empire: Japanese Settler Colonialism in Korea, 1876-1945 | Harvard East Asian Monographs 2011 | |
2013 | 梅嘉樂(Barbara Mittler) | A Continuous Revolution : Making Sense of Cultural Revolution Culture | Harvard University Asia Center 2013 | |
2014 | 取消[註 1] | |||
2015 | Rian Thum | The Sacred Routes of Uyghur History | Harvard University Press 2014 | |
2016 | 顧若鵬(Barak Kushner) | Men to Devils, Devils to Men: Japanese War Crimes and Chinese Justice | Harvard University Press 2015 | 《從人到鬼,從鬼到人:日本戰犯與中國的審判》(臺灣遠足文化2021) |
2017 | Christopher Goscha | Vietnam: A New History | Basic Books 2016 | 《越南:世界史的失語者》(臺灣聯經出版公司2018) |
2018 | 墨磊寧(Thomas Mullaney) | The Chinese Typewriter: A History | MIT Press 2017 | 《中文打字机:一个世纪的汉字突围史》(廣西師範大學出版社2023) 《中文打字機:機械書寫時代的漢字輸入進化史》(臺灣商務印書館2023) |
2019 | 陈学仁(Chris Courtney) | The Nature of Disaster in China: The 1931 Yangzi River Flood | Cambridge University Press 2019 | 《龍王之怒:1931年長江水災》(上海人民出版社2023) |
2020 | 東榮一郎(Eiichiro Azuma) | In Search of Our Frontier: Japanese America and Settler Colonialism in the Construction of Japan's Borderless Empire | University of California Press 2019 | |
2021 | 許臨君(Eric Schluessel) | Land of Strangers: The Civilizing Project in Qing Central Asia | Columbia University Press 2020 | 《異鄉人之地:清帝國在新疆的教化工程》(臺灣黑體文化2023) |
2022 | Hwasook B. Nam | Women in the Sky: Gender and Labor in the Making of Modern Korea | Cornell University Press 2021 | |
2023 | H. Yumi Kim | Madness in the Family: Women, Care, and Illness in Japan | Oxford University Press 2022 |
编辑- 曾兩度獲獎的學者:彭慕蘭(1994、2000)
编辑- ^ 本年獎項原授予Charles K. Armstrong的Tyranny of the Weak: North Korea and the World, 1950-1992 (Cornell University Press 2013),之後該書遭檢舉涉嫌抄襲和捏造史料,美國歷史學會展開調查,Charles K. Armstrong於2017年退回獎項。見2014 Fairbank Prize Returned. American Historical Association. June 29, 2017. (原始内容存档于2019-03-24).
编辑- ^ John K. Fairbank Prize. [2019-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-26).
编辑- John K. Fairbank Prize. 美國歷史學會. [2019-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-26).(英文)
- John K. Fairbank Prize Recipients. 美國歷史學會. [2019-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-08).(英文)