Template:中古英語人稱代名詞 (表格)

人稱/性 主格 賓格 所有格形容詞 所有格代名詞 反身代名詞
第一人稱 ic / ich / I me / mi min / minen [pl.] min / mire / minre min one / mi selven
第二人稱 þou / þu / tu / þeou þe þi / ti þin / þyn þeself / þi selven
第三人稱 陽性 he him[a] / hine[b] his / hisse / hes   his / hisse   him-seluen
陰性 sche[o] / s[c]ho / ȝho heo / his / hie / hies / hire hio / heo / hire / heore - heo-seolf
第一人稱 we us / ous ure[n] / our[e] / ures / urne oures us self / ous silve
第二人稱 ȝe / ye eow / [ȝ]ou / ȝow / gu / you eower / [ȝ]ower / gur / [e]our youres Ȝou self / ou selve
第三人稱 自古英語 heo / he his / heo[m] heore / her -   -
自古諾爾斯語 þa / þei / þeo / þo þem / þo þeir - þam-selue
現代 they them their theirs themselves
  1. ^ 與格(間接受格)
  2. ^ 賓格(直接受格)

Many other variations are noted in Middle English sources due to difference in spellings and pronunciations. See Francis Henry Stratmann. A Middle-English dictionary. [London]: Oxford University Press. 1891.  and A Concise Dictionary of Middle English from A.D. 1150 TO 1580, A. L. Mayhew, Walter W. Skeat, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1888.