

设计 编辑

撒克逊装甲车主要作为廉价但高效的“战地出租车(battle-taxi)”支援英国驻德英军(British Army of the Rhine)以满足远程输送步兵的需求而设计。底盘采用贝德福德M系四轮卡车的底盘

The Saxon's hull is welded steel with a V-shaped under-chassis plate to deflect mine detonations. Seating is provided in the rear for up to ten troops, although eight is a more comfortable load if all their equipment is included.[1] There is an equipment stowage area on the hull roof.[1]

历史 编辑

第一批撒克逊装甲车于1983年在西德部署, 以填充机械化步兵营 ,目前英军的撒克逊装甲车已经除役,但仍有147辆封存。

根据2013年的协议,20至75辆撒克逊装甲车被出售至乌克兰,i.e. predating the start of the War in Donbass.[2] 乌克兰军方于2014年12月5日签署这项协议。[3] The former chief commander of British land-forces, General Sir Richard Dannatt, said that supplying the vehicles to Ukraine was "immoral" as they were "useless".[4]

衍生型 编辑

  • AT105A - 救护车
  • AT105E - 装载有两挺机枪
  • AT105MR - 装载有81毫米迫击炮
  • AT105C - 指挥车
  • ARV - 装甲回收车

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参考文献 编辑

  • Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, Charles Heyman. Leo Cooper, 2003.