泰国狱政厅[1]泰语กรมราชทัณฑ์ กระทรวงยุติธรรม; 英语:Department of Corrections),泰国司法部下属矫正机构日语矯正施設。总部住在暖武里府Mueang Nonthaburi District英语Mueang Nonthaburi DistrictSuanyai Subdistrict。


监狱 编辑

男囚犯被泰国判处死刑后,被 囚禁于坂圹中央监狱;该处有行刑室英语execution chamber[3] 女囚犯被泰国判处死刑后,被 囚禁于躻普炼中央监狱(Lard Yao)。[4][5]

参考资料及注释 编辑

  1. ^ "囚犯手册页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)" (中文版). 泰国狱政厅. p. 2/16
  2. ^ "Statistics 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2017-09-03.." 泰国狱政厅.
  3. ^ Wongruang, Piyaporn. "When the Killing Hour Arrives 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2016-07-04." (Page 2 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2016-08-18.). Bangkok Post. 30 August 2009. Retrieved on 4 July 2016. Former URL[失效链接]
  4. ^ Joseph, Joanne and Larissa Focke. Drug Muled: Sixteen Years in a Thai Prison. Jacana Media, 2013. ISBN 1920601201, 9781920601201. p. 195页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). "Goosen says that[...]when she was on death row,[...]She tells of how, shortly after she arrived at Lard Yao,[...]"
  5. ^ Rao, Nathan. "My despair at the Peru two页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)." The Daily Mail. Friday August 30, 2013. Retrieved on July 4, 2016. "Sandra, 48, was initially handed the death sentence[...]Her sentence was reduced to life, which in Thailand is 99.9 years, before being commuted to 25 years in the notorious Lard Yao jail, dubbed the Bangkok Hilton."

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