
日期: 2005年9月18日
时间: 上午10时
又一城pacific coffee(太平洋咖啡)

经过千呼万唤2005年香港维基人聚会终于在9月18日中秋佳节、于九龙塘又一城的Pacific Coffee举行。

参加的维基人 编辑

讨论议题 编辑

  1. 广东话维基百科
  2. 如何推广在香港维基
  3. 中英文维基百科在翻译等方面合作

经过 编辑




  • 中文维基百科的现状。尽管中文维基的条目总数已经超过4万条,但一般同意现在条目的质量还比较参差。中文维基里小作品所占的数量是不寻常的高,Mcyjerry还指出这些条目还很缺乏内容。与会者认为与其让中文维基四分五裂,倒不如一起努力改善现在中文维基的条目。
  • 大学里使用广东话的情况。Mcyjerry和Lorenzarius是香港中文大学的学生,他们解释说理科和医科课程都是以英语授课,而不是用粤语教授;用了粤语反而会变得很难懂。他们解释了个中的原因,不过中文大学开办的其中一个目的,就是要在当时还是英国殖民地的香港,推广中文的使用。



LilAlex、Carlsmith、Lorenzarius、石还有Fuzheado在聚会后去了利华超级三文治店(Oliver's Super Sandwiches)吃午饭。


聚会照片 编辑


出席者(左至右排序):Little AlexFuzheadoMcyjerryCarlsmithW.F. SiuLorenzarius、及北京新闻工作者Susanjin。照片由上海来的Lu Ye拍摄。CathyMa有事先走了。

English version 编辑

First, it was a young crowd and we talked about the age of the average Chinese language Wikipedian. We surmised it is quite a bit lower than most other Wikipedias since most folks are college aged or close to it. In our group - three in secondary school, four in college/grad school.

Obviously, one of the biggest issues was Cantonese Wikipedia. After discussing it for a while, there was consensus (in fact unanimity) that though there is legitimate and desirable use for vernacular written Cantonese in casual use, arts, film, newspaper columns and the like, the conclusion about Cantonese Wikipedia was - "not at this time."

Several things stood out:

  • Current state of Chinese Wikipedia. There was agreement that the general quality of the average article in Chinese Wikipedia is relatively poor, even though it has 40,000+ articles. The recent stats on "short articles" showed zh: contained unusually high number of them, and empirically Mcyjerry made the point that they are generally lacking in content. Folks felt that it was more important to shore up the existing zh: Wikipedia instead of splitting the effort.
  • Universities and Cantonese use. Mcyjerry and Lorenzarius, students at Chinese University of Hong Kong explained that their science and medicine programmes were not taught in Cantonese but in English instead, and if they were it would be confusing. They can elaborate more as to why, but Chinese University was setup to promote Chinese education in a (then) British Colony.

Mcyjerry gave a quick tour of the Hong Kong articles, and showed the templates used for different topics.

Fuzheado showed the latest statistics, and how the growth of zh: didn't bounce back from the June 2004 block until Nov/Dec that year.

LilAlex, Carlsmith, Lorenzarius, Shek and Fuzheado went to lunch at Oliver's Super Sandwiches.

The plan is to perhaps meetup again before the end of the year. Kowloon is the preferred location, and hope to get others to come.

聚后感言 编辑

Hello, I am novacatz from the English wikipedia. I would appreciate if someone would leave a note on my talk page for the next meet up of this nature. 03:35 2005年10月12日 (UTC)
