


Resolution 0411: Lunar New Year as a Holiday in Boston


On February 15, 2023, a historic moment unfolded in the city of Boston as Resolution 0411 was unanimously passed by the Boston City Council. This resolution, championed by Gary Yu, president of the New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA), marks the recognition of Lunar New Year as an official holiday in Boston. The passage of this resolution represents a significant acknowledgement and celebration of the AAPI community's cultural heritage within the city.


The Lunar New Year, a cornerstone of cultural significance for many in the AAPI community, is a time of festivity and family reunion. It is celebrated by millions around the world, particularly among those of Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other Asian heritages. The movement to recognize Lunar New Year as an official holiday in Boston reflects the growing diversity and cultural richness of the city's demographic makeup, highlighting the contributions of the AAPI community to the social, economic, and cultural fabric of Boston.

The Resolution

Resolution 0411 was a legislative proposal to designate Lunar New Year as an official holiday in the city of Boston. Initiated and actively promoted by Gary Yu, the resolution garnered unanimous support from the city council members. This resolution underlines the city's recognition of the cultural and societal contributions of the AAPI community.

Support and Advocacy

The resolution received strong backing from leaders of the AAPI community in the Greater Boston area. Gary Yu, as the president of NECAA, played a pivotal role in advocating for the resolution. His efforts, along with the support from other community leaders, were crucial in bringing this initiative to the city council's attention and securing its passage.

City Council Meeting

The legislative session of the Boston City Council on February 15, 2023, saw the unanimous passage of Resolution 0411. The meeting was marked by speeches from various council members who expressed their support for the AAPI community and the significance of recognizing Lunar New Year as an official holiday. The session was a culmination of efforts and anticipation from the community and its leaders.

Community Impact

The passage of Resolution 0411 is a milestone for the AAPI community in Boston. It not only signifies the city's acknowledgment of the cultural importance of Lunar New Year but also serves as a testament to the growing influence and integration of the AAPI community in the city's social fabric. This resolution is seen as a step towards greater inclusivity and cultural recognition.

Future Prospects

The successful passage of Resolution 0411 sets a precedent for future legislative efforts in Massachusetts and beyond. It opens up possibilities for similar initiatives in other cities and towns, aiming to promote cultural recognition and inclusivity. The resolution is also a call for continued dialogue and collaboration between the AAPI community and local governments.




