邁射(英語:MASER),音譯為邁射,意譯為激微波微波激射器[1],是受激放大微波輻射(英語:Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)的頭字母。它指通過受激輻射放大和必要的反饋,產生同一波寬、準直、相干的微波的過程及儀器。

第一個氨丙烷邁射器原型和發明家查爾斯·湯斯。 The ammonia nozzle is at left in the box, the four brass rods at center is the quadrupole state selector, and the resonant cavity is at right. The 24 GHz microwaves exit through the vertical waveguide Townes is adjusting. At bottom are the vacuum pumps.


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  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 西恩·布萊爾(Sean Blair). 從伽利略衛星看定位系統新面貌. 高英哲譯. BBC知識. 2013-01-09 [2013-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-13) (中文(繁體)). 

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