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本條目廣告意味濃厚。主要貢獻者幾乎僅參與本條目及相關條目,又是姓「蕭」,令人好奇與「蕭中正醫院」的關係。-Kolyma (留言) 2011年3月10日 (四) 14:14 (UTC)回覆

Dear Kolyma, first of all, thank you very much for re-shuffling and re-editing the contents on the theme and the subject matter in general! As you may have noticed, I'm not as sophisticated as you are in terms of Wiki-composing and drafting, however, I'm always amazed by some of the editing tools and "tricks" on other Wiki pages, so I've integrated some of them into the page (e.g. voice notes, satellite maps, etc.), purely out of curiosity. And yes, indeed, I'm one of the major mangers/physicians of the hospital, given the fact that I do know its operations inside out, that's why I could contribute quite thoroughly on the subject, but the intention was never trying to make it an advertisement. You may be right that I don't contribute that much on the Chinese version of Wikipedia, mainly because of my Chinese-editing abilities, but the truth is I do share much of my professional knowledge and expertise, such as genetic mapping, characterization and chromosome transcripts, healthcare management, telemedicine, Telecare, medical e-learning, medical web portal, healthcare policy making, and some of my favorite past-time, such as Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, and Boston Celtics, in the English version of Wikipedia, as well as Knol. So again, thanks for your comments and the driven force for me to evolve into a better editor on Wikipedia! - jackhsiao 2011年3月12日 (六) 04:10 (UTC)回覆

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祝編安。—InternetArchiveBot (報告軟件缺陷) 2018年7月21日 (六) 22:03 (UTC)回覆

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祝編安。—InternetArchiveBot (報告軟件缺陷) 2018年8月1日 (三) 05:58 (UTC)回覆

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